Common Medical Abbreviations & Terms Doctors, pharmacists, and other health-care professionals use abbreviations, acronyms, and other terminology for instructions and information in regard to a patient's health condition, prescription drugs they are to take, or medical procedures that have been ordered...
Common Medical Abbreviations & Terms Doctors, pharmacists, and other health-care professionals use abbreviations, acronyms, and other terminology for instructions and information in regard to a patient's health condition, prescription drugs they are to take, or medical procedures that have been ordered...
Reveals that over 5,000 respondents to an `American Journal of Nursing' survey perform many of the services coded in the `Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology' (CPT) manual published by the American Medical Association. Restructuring Medicare Part B; Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC);...
all had severe IM. One patient had MDS secondary to severe congenital neutropenia, the other four patients had presumably primary MDS. All four were found to harbor a PTPN11 gene driver mutation, which is found in 35% of cases of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. The mutation was present...
OPEN Leukemia (2017) 31, 2799–2806 ORIGINAL ARTICLE A phase 1b/2b multicenter study of oral panobinostat plus azacitidine in adults with MDS, CMML or AML with ⩽ 30% blasts G Garcia-Manero1, MA Sekeres2, M Egyed3, M Breccia4, C Graux5, JD Cavenagh6, H ...
OS was also assessed using a Cox proportional hazards model to adjust for differences in life expectancy. Adverse event (AE) severity was graded using the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 3.0, and the incidence compared across age groups using Fisher...
We hypothesized that IV busulfan (Bu) dosing could be safely intensified through pharmacokinetic (PK-) dose guidance to minimize the inter-patient variability in systemic exposure (SE) associated with body-sized dosing, and that this should improve outco
Reveals that over 5,000 respondents to an `American Journal of Nursing' survey perform many of the services coded in the `Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology' (CPT) manual published by the American Medical Association. Restructuring Medicare Part B; Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC);...