My wife has been really awesome about giving me time to make this project and I can't thank her enough. But I also fix computers and cars. And I have to start doing more of that. This is not a deffient. But i spend so much time on these projects, a lot of you don't know ...
Latest binaries are currently hosted on the buildbot.SupportTo reach developers, either make an issue here on GitHub, make a thread on the forum, chat on discord, or visit our IRC channel: #retroarch @ You could create a post in Reddit with Technical Support flair....
2021年6月新任总统拜登签署行政令,撤销特朗普政府对TikTok的禁令,但仍指示商务部长重新调查该应用程序,以确定它是否对美国国家安全构成威胁。 2022年6月TikTok推出“得克萨斯计划”(Project Texas),制订全新的组织框架和合作机制,强化问责制和审查透明度,...
Keybase是一个基于PGP技术的社交网络平台,它可以将用户的身份映射到公钥,反之亦然。当前在keybase.io上提供身份验证的网站和服务有:Twitter、GitHub、Reddit、Coinbase和Hacker News,另有网站管理员、比特币、Zcash地址的验证。[4] 2018年3月,Stellar发布公告称,正在与Keybase...
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