正点原子逻辑分析仪DL16热卖中,最多16通道,采样率最高可达1GHz,存储深度可达3.5Gbit 5金钱 打开MDK5.14出现cannot read project file怎么办 最佳答案 halwf 查看完整内容[请看2#楼] 我的问题是按照下边的步骤解决的,楼主可以试试看看能不能凑效:回复
WIN10 MDK Keil uVision5 cannot read project file 解决办法 目录 WIN10 MDK Keil uVision5 cannot read project file 解决办法 问题描述 解决办法 参考 问题描述 我的系统重装过后是英文版的Windows 10,在打开别人/以前中文系统环境下保存的Keil Project文件(uvprojx文件)会报错,... ...
我做完实验后,关闭程序,第二天再打开工程文件,就出现这个报错:cannot read project file;请问大佬怎么解决。总不能每次都重新建一个工程吧? 小朱01LOR 7-27 3 关于MDK2 max其中一关的隐藏要素 石... 在max第3或者第6关 max会到一个塔下 要沿着塔往上爬 最后到顶端。 这里有个隐藏的电梯 在塔角 站...
WIN10 MDK Keil uVision5 cannot read project file 解决办法 目录 WIN10 MDK Keil uVision5 cannot read project file 解决办法 问题描述 解决办法 参考 问题描述 我的系统重装过后是英文版的Windows 10,在打开别人/以前中文系统环境下保存的Keil Project文件(uvprojx文件)会报 从MDK4到MDK5之“盘古开天辟地” ...
我做完实验后,关闭程序,第二天再打开工程文件,就出现这个报错:cannot read project file;请问大佬怎么解决。总不能每次都重新建一个工程吧? 小朱01LOR 7-27 0 深圳 金马静电喷枪雾化均匀+喷涂不打点+产品合格达99% 金马静电喷枪速度约64000转/分钟+产品表面喷漆更均匀+产品表面不打点+无波浪痕金马静电喷枪认...
我做完实验后,关闭程序,第二天再打开工程文件,就出现这个报错:cannot read project file;请问大佬怎么解决。总不能每次都重新建一个工程吧? 小朱01LOR 7-27 0 「1688」新风净化除湿机源头好货,货源充足,特价采购 新风净化除湿机阿里巴巴提供原料,生产,加工一系列服务,源头厂家利润高,优选采购批发平台阿里巴巴,采...
Chapter overview The book starts with the installation of MDK and describes the software components along with complete workflow from starting a project up to debugging on hardware. It contains the following chapters: MDK Introduction provides an overview about the MDK Tools, the software packs, and...
Once these files are part of the project, developers can start using the CMSIS-RTOS RTX functions. The code example shows the use of CMSIS-RTOS RTX functions. NOTE In the actual file names, is the name of the microcontroller device; represents the device processor family. #include "cmsis_...
I have unchecked it all. However, when I tried to save the project, "Project file is read only. Saving not possible" message appeared. I want to save the project. What should I configure to save it? -Best Regards
CCM SRAM read protection (only on STM32G4 devices) The CCM SRAM can also be readout-protected via the RDP option byte. When protected, the CCM SRAM cannot be read or written by the JTAG or serial-wire debug port, and when the boot in ...