Note: You must enable Accessibility permissions for Raycast in order for this extension to work.Tiny Tycho by orangebyte - Cute and Goofy Tycho Stickers for MacToggle Fn by elonwoo - Toggle the "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" option in macOS System Preferences....
Add MappingScore to compute a per-cell mapping score used in Azimuth Add AggregateExpression() for summation based pseudobulk calculations Add mixscape functionality via CalcPerturbSig(), PrepLDA(), RunLDA(), DEenrichRPlot(), MixscapeHeatmap(), MixscapeLDA(), PlotPerturbScore(), RunMixscape...
Fixed - method throws "Parameters must be specified in PARAM VALUE pairs" error Fixed - RRateLimiter.setRate() method does not behave as expected when RateType is pre_client (thanks @wynn5a) Fixed - collection fields aren't deleted when RLiveObject expires or is deleted ...
The usage of MiniCPM model weights must strictly follow MiniCPM Model The models and weights of MiniCPM are completely free for academic research. after filling out a "questionnaire" for registration, are also available for free commercial use.Statement...
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1 Document Information Using This Documentation Extended Library Functions, Volume 1 _NOTE(3EXT) atm_cas(3CMI) attr_get(3CMI) auto_ef(3EXT) auto_ef_file(3EXT) auto_ef_free(3EXT) auto_ef_get_encoding(3EXT) auto_ef_get_score(3...
Extended Library Functions, Volume 1 _NOTE(3EXT) atm_cas(3CMI) attr_get(3CMI) auto_ef(3EXT) auto_ef_file(3EXT) auto_ef_free(3EXT) auto_ef_get_encoding(3EXT) auto_ef_get_score(3EXT) auto_ef_str(3EXT) cbc_crypt(3EXT) cflush(3CMI) CIRCLEQ_EMPTY(3EXT) CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(3EXT) ...
stabilizing the structure and energy of the HE receptor indicated via MD simulation and MMGBSA analysis. The selected lead phytochemical must be validated in future through in vitro and in vivo studies. It is concluded that Calceolarioside B that is present in the root bark and leaves of the...
The usage of MiniCPM model weights must strictly follow MiniCPM Model License. The models and weights of MiniCPM are completely free for academic research. after filling out a questionnaire for registration, are also available for free commercial use.Statement...
If Persistent enabled, storageClassName must be set to an existing storage. Defaults to false. storageClassName string (Optional) The storageClassName of the persistent volume for TidbMonitor data storage. Defaults to Kubernetes default storage class. storage string (Optional) Size of the persistent...
// MUST contain -1 for invalid pixel (that dont have depth)!! float* idepthVar[PYRAMID_LEVELS]; bool idepthVarValid[PYRAMID_LEVELS];// data from initial tracking, indicating which pixels in the reference frame ware good or not. // deleted as soon as frame is used for mapping....