183 91 8 5 days ago CalCAT/487 California COVID Assessment Tool 183 49 10 a month ago shinyAce/488 Integrating the Ace editor with Shiny. 182 24 0 1 year, 6 months ago gsir-te/489 Getting Started in R -- Tinyverse Edition 182 46 77 3 years ago opendata/490 CRAN OpenData Task ...
NetworkCalc Network calculators, including subnets, DNS, binary, and security tools No Yes Yes npm Registry Query information about your favorite Node.js libraries programatically No Yes Unknown OneSignal Self-serve customer engagement solution for Push Notifications, Email, SMS & In-App apiKey Yes ...
Meld Calc Do math! Evaluate math expressions within your notes. Tabout Easily 'tab out' of links or other Markdown formatting characters. Quote of the Day Insert random quotes in the editor. Limelight Spotlight your active pane. Prompt Show inspirational prompts, from a prompt file in your va...
Generic Name(S):prenatal,calc.40-iron-folate 1 Uses Thismedicationis a multivitamin and iron product used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses, or during pregnancy.Vitaminsand iron are important building blocks of the body and help keep you in good health...
采用SPSS22.0 软件、Medcalc 软件对数据进行统计分析,GraphPad Prism 8 软件绘制图表。计量资料符合正态分布及方差齐性的数据以均数 ± 标准差( x bar±s)表示,采用t检验比较;非正态分布的数据以 [ 中位数(P25,P75)] 表示,采用 ...
183 91 8 5 days ago CalCAT/487 California COVID Assessment Tool 183 49 10 a month ago shinyAce/488 Integrating the Ace editor with Shiny. 182 24 0 1 year, 6 months ago gsir-te/489 Getting Started in R -- Tinyverse Edition 182 46 77 3 years ago opendata/490 CRAN OpenData Task ...
NetworkCalc Network calculators, including subnets, DNS, binary, and security tools No Yes Yes npm Registry Query information about your favorite Node.js libraries programmatically No Yes Unknown OneSignal Self-serve customer engagement solution for Push Notifications, Email, SMS & In-App apiKey ...
Don't even risk it. If you want to leave them 'gifts' in the form of delayed AoE Abilities, just throw them in front of you, run through them and detonate them when youthink they'll be on top of it. Otherwise, the Minimap can also help tell you if you've got an enemy on yo...
Risky Challenge - Romset riskchal - Playable but dont press any buttons during the score calc screen between the levels Rohga Armor Force - Romsets rohga, rohgah, rohgau Run And Gun - Romset rungun Rush'N Attack - Romset rushatck Safari Rally - Romset safarir - colors fixed Sarge - ...
Allow X2AbilityToHitCalc_StatCheck to check for hit chance modifiers (#467) Allow aliens and other teams to properly register non-XCOM unit locations to adjust their positions accordingly (#619) Fixes MindControlLost fires whenever a unit stops being mind controlled or hacked. The event passes...