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aThe McGraw-Hill eBook Library gives libraries the opportunity to expand their collections at a lower cost and without adding shelf space. Librarians are able to monitor usage with web analytics available through the eBook Library´s DRM interface. With a subscription, libraries will get regular ...
New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2003. Into the community: collaboration produces learning Published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1998. Fundamentals of Logistics Management. (Bookshelf Ideas) (2000) " Fundamental Principle of Exercise Physiology." McGraw-Hill...
aThe McGraw-Hill eBook Library gives libraries the opportunity to expand their collections at a lower cost and without adding shelf space. Librarians are able to monitor usage with web analytics available through the eBook Library´s DRM interface. With a subscription, libraries will get regular ...
” AllenB.Barnes PastProvost IBMAdvancedBusinessInstitute (formerlyDirectorofExecutiveEducation,UCLA) “ErichHelfert’sbookisacandidateforeveryconsultant-to-management’sbookshelf.The underlyingagendaisfinancialmanagementasitpertainstoeffectiveresourceallocationde- cisions.FramedinadynamicmodeloftheBusinessSystem,the...