Digital bus handbook by Joseph Di Giacomo. McGraw-Hill, SHELF, New York, NY. $64.50. Illustrated, Index. ISBN: 0-07-016923-3doi:10.1016/0920-5489(91)90056-6J BergELSEVIERComputer Standards & InterfacesDigital bus handbook: by Joseph Di Giacomo. McGraw-Hill, SHELF, New York, NY. $64.50...
aThe McGraw-Hill eBook Library gives libraries the opportunity to expand their collections at a lower cost and without adding shelf space. Librarians are able to monitor usage with web analytics available through the eBook Library´s DRM interface. With a subscription, libraries will get regular ...
Traditionally, these stores have stocked a higher proportion (than supermarkets) of their shelf space with national brands, an advantage for Deluxe Foods. Finally, various issues related to discount policies, pricing structure, sales promotion, and cooperative advertising were discussed. All of this ...