我写了一个GEE下载MODIS土地覆盖的脚本,链接如下: https://code.earthengine.google.com/8f9733bc4c53172a3b70187d29df185f 具体的脚本如下: // var roi = ee.FeatureCollection("users/kitmyfaceplease2/china_bounds");Map.centerObject(roi,10)varDOWNLOAD_MODIS_LANDCOVER=function(year){varstartDate=ee.D...
cmr_lucc = ee$ImageCollection("MODIS/006/MCD12Q1")$select('LC_Type1')$ filterBounds(ee_roi) cmr_lucc1 = cmr_lucc$mosaic()$clip(ee_roi) igbpLandCoverVis = list( min = 1.0, max = 17.0, palette= c('05450a', '086a10', '54a708', '78d203', '009900', 'c6b044', 'dcd159'...
简介: Google Earth Engine ——(2001-2016年)的全球土地覆盖类型/土地利用500m分辨率MODIS/006/MCD12Q1数据集 The MCD12Q1 V6 product provides global land cover types at yearly intervals (2001-2016) derived from six different classification schemes. It is derived using supervised classifications of ...
Google Earth Engine ——(2001-2016年)的全球土地覆盖类型/土地利用500m分辨率MODIS/006/MCD12Q1数据集 The MCD12Q1 V6 product provides global land cover types at yearly intervals (2001-2016) derived from six different classification schemes. It is derived using supervised classifications of MODIS Terra...
这个土地覆盖产品的基础数据集是MODIS年度土地覆盖产品(MCD12Q1)中的IGBP层。该数据从其分类格式(具有≈500米的分辨率)转换为分数产品,表明17个土地覆被等级(每个波段1个)覆盖的输出像素的整数百分比(0-100)。 这个数据集是由Malaria Atlas项目的Harry Gibson和Daniel Weiss制作的(英国牛津大学大数据研究所,[http:/...
Table S1: Mapping of the MODIS Land Cover (MCD12Q1) Type 5 classification to the MEGAN PFT scheme. Basal emission factors for isoprene and monoterpenes (sum of all classes of monoterpenes) are also shown (Guenther et al., 2012).Needleleaf evergreen temperate tree (PFT1)MODIS PFT scheme...
A comparison of forest cover maps in Mainland Southeast Asia from multiple sources: PALSAR, MERIS, MODIS and FRA The spatial disagreements of the PALSAR-based forest, MCD12Q1 forest and GlobCover forest are evident; however, the PALSAR-based forest map provides more ... Jinwei,Dong,Xiangming,....
Evaluation of the consistency of MODIS land cover product (MCD12Q1) based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 datasets: A case study in Anhui Province, China. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2015, 4, 2519-2541. [CrossRef]Liang, D.; Zuo, Y.; Huang, L.S.; Zhao, J.L.; Teng, L.; Yang, F...
Land use and Cover Changes in the Northern Mountains of Pakistan; A Spatio-Temporal Change using MODIS (MCD12Q1) Time Seriesdoi:10.17582/journal.sja/2022/38.4.1419.1429PAKISTANKARAKORAM RangeLAND coverTIME series analysisLAND useNATURAL resource...