1. Property Tax 2. Birth and Death status Major feature of the application: -> Download digitally generated certificate of birth and death with a unique registration number. -> Can track the status of the birth and death -> Can pay the property tax. ...
MCD property tax is a tax property owners in the city have to pay annually, irrespective of their property type and occupancy. Learn how to pay in Delhi, understand the calculation process, deadlines, penalties, rates and FAQs.
reflecting the pressure on our top line. Results also reflect higher other operating expense, as well as the comparison to a prior-year property sale gain. For the full year, adjusted operating margin was just over 46%, with top-line results generating more...
The registered user can easily login and the user will be taken to the home screen where you will find the facility related to birth and death certificate and property tax. Delhi municipal corporation launched its online platform under eGOVERNANCE initiative for the ease of citizens of Delhi to...
Property tax: Through this facility on our app any one can easily pay tax using mobile and view the details about the property and at the last user can generate the payment receipt. Property tax is a mandatory tax that has been created by the government and entrusted to the countries to ...
The registered user can easily login and the user will be taken to the home screen where you will find the facility related to birth and death certificate and property tax. Delhi municipal corporation launched its online platform under eGOVERNANCE initiative for the ease of citizens of Delhi to...