1. Property Tax 2. Birth and Death status Major feature of the application: -> Download digitally generated certificate of birth and death with a unique registration number. -> Can track the status of the birth and death -> Can pay the property tax. ...
1. Property Tax 2. Birth and Death status Major feature of the application: -> Download digitally generated certificate of birth and death with a unique registration number. -> Can track the status of the birth and death -> Can pay the property tax. ...
1. Property Tax 2. Birth and Death status Major feature of the application: -> Download digitally generated certificate of birth and death with a unique registration number. -> Can track the status of the birth and death -> Can pay the property tax. -> Easy to access as no need of an...
1. Property Tax 2. Birth and Death status Major feature of the application: -> Download digitally generated certificate of birth and death with a unique registration number. -> Can track the status of the birth and death -> Can pay the property tax. -> Easy to access as no need of an...