2025年2月来自宣武医院的焦立群教授等在Stroke上公布了CMOSS试验的事后分析,以进一步探讨是否存在特定的年龄组,使得ICA或MCA闭塞且血流动力学不足的患者从EC-IC搭桥手术中获益多于单纯药物治疗,并确定搭桥手术获益的最佳年龄范围。 本研究是对CMOSS研究...
该研究通过对CASSISS与SAMMPRIS这两项多中心、随机、对照临床试验的汇总分析,比较了经皮腔内血管成形术和支架植入术(percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting,PTAS)与单独药物治疗对颈内动脉(internal carotid artery,ICA)、大脑中动脉(middle cerebral artery,MCA)、椎动脉(vertebral artery,VA)和基底动脉(basi...
为此来自荷兰莱顿大学医学中心的I.R. van den Wijngaard and G. Holswilder等进行了一项研究,评估动态CTA在急性脑卒中侧枝循环评估中的优点。 莱顿大学医学中心的患者筛选自DUST研究和MR CLEAN研究。DUST研究所选患者为发病9小时内MCA近段急性闭塞的患者(M1或者M2),可伴...
在大型多中心回顾性卒中血栓切除术和动脉瘤登记(Stroke Thrombectomy and Aneurysm Registry)(STAR 登记)该登记由超过 2000 名在扩展窗口中出现颈内动脉或 M1 闭塞的患者组成,ASPECTS 评分为 2 至 5 分的患者。据推测最高为 80 %MCA区域受损,如果接受机械血栓切除术,90 天时 MCA区域的 (功能独立的机会高 4 倍...
Introduction The neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) as an inexpensive and easily available inflammatory marker, has become a useful index in various conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, neoplastic diseases, diabetes, and recently acute ischemic stroke (AIS). We studied the association between the ...
BAO stroke, the poor prognosis of acute BAO has encouraged providers to aggressively treat BAO in the absence of randomized trial data.Design/Methods: Stroke patients who presented to the emergency department between 2015 and 2019 were identified using the National Emergency Department Sample database...
1) MCA/ICA index (M/I) 大脑中动脉/颈内动脉流速比值 1. Rseults: The MCA/ICA index (M/I) was 0. 结果:健康新生儿的大脑中动脉/颈内动脉流速比值(M/I)在0。 2) MCA-PSV 大脑中动脉峰值流速 1. KB test and detection ofMCA-PSVapplied to all cases with positive index of fetal hemoglobin...
Double-Barrel Bypass for Cerebral Ischemia: Technique, Rationale, and Preliminary Experience With 10 Consecutive Cases BACKGROUND:. In selected patients, extracranial-intracranial bypass remains an important treatment for the prevention of stroke. Traditionally, superficial... Duckworth Edward A.M.,Rao ...
Although the risk of perioperative stroke or stroke evolution in an unselected population is generally assumed to be very low and the problem of prevention somewhat trivial, this is not true for those patients who have a complete occlusion of the ICA or a symptomatic cerebrovascular disease as in...
Z.Y. was a recipient of the Career Investigator award from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Abbreviations: apo apolipoprotein ER endoplasmic reticulum MTP microsomal triglyceride-transfer protein OA oleic acid PC phosphatidylcholine siRNA short interfering RNA TAG triacylglycerol [S] The ...