2025年2月来自宣武医院的焦立群教授等在Stroke上公布了CMOSS试验的事后分析,以进一步探讨是否存在特定的年龄组,使得ICA或MCA闭塞且血流动力学不足的患者从EC-IC搭桥手术中获益多于单纯药物治疗,并确定搭桥手术获益的最佳年龄范围。 本研究是对CMOSS研究...
在PTAS组中,不同责任血管的主要结果发生率存在显著差异[ICA(26.67)>BA(17.17)> MCA(8.28)>VA(4.76)]。 在PTAS组和药物治疗组比较中,ICA、MCA和VA狭窄患者的主要结果无明显差异。 然而,BA狭窄患者接受PTAS治疗的风险更高[17.17% vs. 7.77%; 9.40,HR, 2.38(1.03~5.52),P=0.043]。白种人[HR,4.24(1.17-15....
研究目的:探究在ICA终末段±MCA M1段血管急性闭塞中,抽吸联合拉栓 vs 拉栓,谁是更好的一线治疗方式。 方法 研究设计:RCT(ASTER2)研究的亚组分析 纳入人群:ICA终末段±MCA M1段血管急性闭塞 造影指标:首过效应,eTICI≥2b50 ...
Odds of thrombectomy were determined by multivariate logistic regression to account for hospital type, geographic location, and patient demographics.Results: Between 2015–2019 we identified a total of 1,721,207 stroke patients, of whom 12,620 patients had a BAO and 137,118 had ICA/MCA ...
Objective: In the current analysis, we compared the annual utilization of thrombectomy for Basilar Artery Occlusion (BAO) with internal carotid and middle cerebral artery (ICA/MCA) occlusion strokes.Background: Although the BAOCHE and ATTENTION trials have only recently demonstrated the effectiveness of...
CAMs do express TGF-β in naïve conditions (https://anratherlab.shinyapps.io/strokevis/). In our model, CAM depletion leads to a decreased aneurysm formation and rupture rate. Our data suggests a potential role of CAM-derived TGF-β as a triggering factor for aneurysm formation and ...
(MCA) of the ipsilateral hemisphere. Classical vascular analysis for vessel density, junctional branch points, total end points, and average and total vessel length were obtained using the Fiji plugin, Angiotool [45]. Analysis focused on lesion and perilesional regions (see Fig.4A). Fractal ...
Stroke attracts neutrophils to the injured brain tissue where they can damage the integrity of the blood–brain barrier and exacerbate the lesion. However, the mechanisms involved in neutrophil transmigration, location and accumulation in the ischemic brain are not fully elucidated. Neutrophils can reach...
DB and ME performed ultrastructural studies and analyses. DS-F and MCA performed single nuclei sequencing analyses. All authors reviewed, discussed, and approved the manuscript before submission. Corresponding authors Correspondence to Diego Sepulveda-Falla or Yakeel T. Quiroz....
and improved neurological function. Given that inflammatory cells actively contribute to secondary brain injury after stroke [1], we speculate that the attenuated neurological injury is due to milder vascular damage. In support of this possibility, extravasated neutrophils have been demonstrated to contri...