Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Category: (Unassigned) i was using curseforge to play some mods, and when opening minecraft, it didn't open or anything, just reopened the launcher and gave "Exit Code: -1". i couldn't find this error anywhere on the internet, it gave some extra information...
Any non-standard client/server/launcher build needs to be taken up with the appropriate team, not Mojang. A world which had previously been opened with a modified client might be corrupted. Please try reproducing the issue in a newly generated world. Any plugin issues need to be addressed to...
exit code: -1, advice: 您的电脑不正常,可能需要使用驱动精灵或其他安装器更新显卡驱动。[15:25:15] [ProcessMonitor/INFO] Launcher will not exit now.[15:25:15] [ProcessMonitor/ERROR] 游戏非正常退出,请查看日志文件,或联系他人寻求帮助。 exit code: -1, advice: 您的电脑不正常,可能需要使用驱动...
Strangely, the actual error message did not get logged into the log or crash report file, but it does appear in Launcher's output, which is related to a missing Jackson module. main | Successfully made module authlib transformable GML Mappings Thread | Loaded runtime mappings in 1404ms GML ...
Launcher 0.6特点: 1.支持所有Minecraft; 2.支持所有Forge(一定要用forge自动安装器安装哦,手动安装很麻烦。。); 3.支持所有Optfine(与Forge兼容,lib方式 +5 分享188赞 求生之路吧 我笑LZ看不穿 【L4D2】 MCmod合集+地图我个人很喜欢的mod和地图,跟大家分享下 图中只是一部分,更多乐趣大家自己去探索 +4 分享...
End Try '检查下载结果 Java = JavaSelect("已取消安装。", New Version(1, 8, 0, 60)) If Task.IsAborted Then Exit Sub 3,722 changes: 2,351 additions & 1,371 deletions 3,722 Plain Craft Launcher 2/Resources/ModData.txt Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. 0...
吧 噫# 求助 客户端崩溃第一天能进,第二天就崩溃了进不去 八月 20, 2021 8:33:46 上午 org.jackhuang.hellominecraft.launcher.Launcher main 信息: *** Game Exited *** [08:33:46] [Thread-32/ERROR] The game exited abnormally, exit code: 1 [08:36:17] [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] Start ...
救救孩子! 分享202 mc吧 chen11355a 大佬救命啊[20:33:36] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [20:33:36] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [20:33:36] [main/INFO]...
我试过启动器自带的游戏修复,重新下载启动器,和网易自带的修复工具(即MClauncher Tool),以及重新下载jave(jave8)都无法解决问题 并没有其他软件占用cpu和内存,内存也够用,并且我的世界jave版可以正常游玩所有网易中闪退的版本 分享2赞 黑暗祭礼吧 黯之封印术士 [080501][经典长篇]追溯打造套牌[经典长篇]追溯打造...
二.管理使用的物品 钻石铲: /fly 可以让管理员飞行 火焰棒:/Launcher 改变管理员的速度 钻石[不知道...