八月20, 2021 8:33:46 上午 org.jackhuang.hellominecraft.launcher.Launcher main信息: *** Game Exited ***[08:33:46] [Thread-32/ERROR] The game exited abnormally, exit code: 1[08:36:17] [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] Start generating launching command...[08:36:17] [Game Launcher/INFO] ...
it gives me this error "exit code:1". I saw many videos on how to solve this problem and they all said that it was a problem with a faulty mod, but how do I remove the only mod that I put in the "mods" folder of Minecraft it doesn't start anyway, I also saw videos that sa...
1. I login load the (new) Minecraft Launcher and the game downloads all of the new updates and content just fine. 2. I click the play button and the launcher crashes, returning 'exit code 1' 3. I deleted my whole .minecraft folder (I wanted to start fresh) thinking that there might...
我的hmcl启动器进..如题,最后提示:游戏非正常退出,exit code-1--- Minecraft Crash Report ---// On the bright side, I bought you a ted
[16:09:20 ERROR]: Game ended with bad state (exit code 1)[16:09:20 INFO]: Deleting C:\Users\ps\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.7.4\1.7.4-natives-696207830534[16:09:20 INFO]: Ignoring visibility rule and showing launcher due to a game crash[16:09:20 WARN]: Couldn't delete...
[22:09:18] [Game Launcher/INFO] On making launcher args.[22:09:18] [Game Launcher/INFO] Starting process[22:09:18] [Game Launcher/INFO] Have started the process[22:09:38] [ProcessMonitor/INFO] Process exit code: -1[22:09:38] [ProcessMonitor/ERROR] The game exited abnormally, exit...
游戏打不开,求助..[15:26:17] [main/INFO] *** Hello Minecraft! Launcher ***[15:26:18] [main/INFO] Initialized
[21:19:02] [TaskList/ERROR] Task failed: 获取Forge列表java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jackhuang.hellominecraft.launcher.core.install.forge.MinecraftForgeVersionList$1.executeTask(MinecraftForgeVersionList.java:77) at org.jackhuang.hellominecraft.util.tasks.TaskList.executeTask(TaskList.java:137) ...
Here are some possible solutions that may help solve your Minecraft Forge Exit Code 1 Error problem. Solution 1: Modify the Executable Path The executable path refers to a chain of files and folders that Forge and the Minecraft Launcher run. If you received exit code 1, it’s likely the ...
exit code: -1, advice: 您的电脑不正常,可能需要使用驱动精灵或其他安装器更新显卡驱动。[15:25:15] [ProcessMonitor/INFO] Launcher will not exit now.[15:25:15] [ProcessMonitor/ERROR] 游戏非正常退出,请查看日志文件,或联系他人寻求帮助。 exit code: -1, advice: 您的电脑不正常,可能需要使用驱动...