Trapdoor下载: Server设置:Gamemode=creative allow-cheats=true LiteLoaderBDS材质下载: Glacie-Release(多版本进入插件)下载: ...
To start loot dungeons, enter the /function rpgloot:random_structure command or rename the diamond pick to “Ancient Excavator” and drop it to the ground. A random dungeon will be spawned near the bedrock level below where the pickaxe is thrown Common items have many small bonuses Rare items...
Works in all dimensions but the blocks, other than the initial bedrock block, must have direct line-of-sight to the sky to be converted. Download v 1.5 MC 1.21 Under Major RewriteMob StatuesWhat!? There's five creepers in my house! Wait... dang it Steve, you got me.Placing...
Trapdoor下载: Server设置:Gamemode=creative allow-cheats=true LiteLoaderBDS材质下载: Glacie-Release(多版本进入插件)下载: SPC(灵魂出窍)下载: