Players no longer gain a particle effect when obtaining Bad Omen from Pillager Captains 玩家不再会在从掠夺者小队长那里获取不祥之兆时产生粒子效果。 Iron Golems now show different degrees of cracking depending on their health. Iron Ingots can be used on damaged Iron Golems to repair them (MCPE-74...
4核8G 10兆的服务器大约可以同时在线5到20人,仅供参考,MOD多的需要更高配置。
if (packet.getStatus() == C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action.RELEASE_USE_ITEM) { 68 + if (send) { 69 + // or get bad packet flag 70 + event.setCanceled(true); 71 + } 72 + send = false; 73 + } 67 74 } 68 75 } 69 76 70 77 @Override 71 78 public float getSl...
if (this.descriptionId == null) { this.descriptionId = Util.makeDescriptionId("entity", BuiltInRegistries.ENTITY_TYPE.getKey(this)); diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/item/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/item/ index 4f10f801dc126e913...
1.首先:进入简幻欢官网:简幻欢 - Simpfun • 2.注册账号(注意:由于最近...
MC-35112 Bad Packet ID 64 whilst connecting to servers that we aren't whitelisted on Resolved Activity All Comments History Activity Transitions Newest first Dlawso the Really Lucky Rabbit added a comment - 27/Jun/14 10:05 PM Looks like a regression of MC-35112 People Assignee: Unass...
not too bad if you get what you order. Reply navia ms.donalds is good but the prices need to stop goin up I live in florida and I got 5 cheese burgers and it cam up to $30 Reply Randy Like most “fast food” places, they are trying to do to much. How many different foods...
not too bad if you get what you order. Reply navia ms.donalds is good but the prices need to stop goin up I live in florida and I got 5 cheese burgers and it cam up to $30 Reply Randy Like most “fast food” places, they are trying to do to much. How many different foods...
[16:45:20] [Server thread/INFO]: clc[/] logged in with entity id 240008 at (54.991765347469595, 72.0, -142.59767532432892) [16:45:20] [Server thread/INFO]: clc joined the game [17:50:18] [Server thread/WARN]: Fetching packet for removed entity bcs['Air'/248709...
这是某玩家向我汇报的,他换一台机器就可以玩了,但是换ID什么的都没用,换客户端也没用 于是我当时...