LLDP/4/LLDP_LOGID_BAD_PACKET: [ULONG] invalid packets were received after latest notification. The last invalid packet came from interface [STRING]. 日志含义 从最近的一次通知到现在,统计收到非法LLDP报文个数,并记录收到最后一个非法LLDP报文的端口名称 日志参数 可能原因 接收到LLDP报文格式不合法。 处...
Key packet error information ProcessId Process ID IfName Interface name LsaType LSA type AdvRtr LSA advertising device. LSID Link state ID Counter Number of error packets (The number is reset after being displayed. This means that the number of incorrect packets displayed in the log ...
bad packet ID (may be a replay): [ #259 ] -- see the man page entry for --no-replay and --replay-window for more info or silence this warning with --mute-replay-warnings yesterday at 13:29 Tue Nov 24 13:29:20 2020 AEAD Decrypt error: bad packet ID (may be a replay): [ ...
不像KLIPS的NAT-T补丁,26sec执行者支持“预共享密钥”认证的NAT-T。可是你不能用right=a.b.c.d参数指定一个固定IP地址,将将只好指定right=%any并且使用leftid=/rightid=,这意味着“预共享密钥”被所有Road Warriors共享。你也只好在ipsec.secrets中使用%any: %any : PSK “thisismytopsecret...
“预共享密钥”有一些缺点,因此你应该使用证书。 26sec执行者支持“预共享密钥”,但你将不得不使用right=%any、leftid=和rightid=。如果你用right=a.b.c.d指定了一个IP地址,但没有left=和right=,Openswan会提示“no connection authorized”。 如果你在同一NAT设备后面有多个客户端,只有第一个客户端可以连接,...
It is 64 possible mii id-s, like one for optic other for copper, or the computer piece of SoC can route network adapter pieces to one of 10 external gigabit ports. Sorry, something went wrong. damnmschanged the titleBPI-R4 - bad SFP+ performanceMar 2, 2024 ...
【求助】关于Bad ..已经把游戏里的.minecraft放入到appdata文件夹里。可是还是出现Bad packet id 230的字样。。这是怎么回事- -求助呀谢谢。。我去看看。。。真的假的。。。很着急呀。求解答!
这是某玩家向我汇报的,他换一台机器就可以玩了,但是换ID什么的都没用,换客户端也没用 于是我当时...
777474 OutType8: 141039 OutType14: 1 Udp:4039279 packets received 123325 packets to unknown port received.67020 packet receive errors 4229636 packets sent 67020 receive buffer errors 0 send buffer errors UdpLite:IpExt:InNoRoutes: 2 InMcastPkts: 26 InBcastPkts: 723113 InOctets: 27500413848629 ...
而且,服务器开启时,Nat123会显示笑脸状态,客户端也有登录过程,只是最后出现错误 id 84......