The Mini-MBA in Media Management is a comprehensive 5-day program designed specifically for managers and executives in the media sector who are eager to enhance their skills in media management and business techniques. This program offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and...
Dirk Buyens's main research and teaching interest lies in human resources management. In a career spanning more than 25 years, he has published more than 100 articles in well-established magazines and has written several books and chapters on organisational development, career management and all asp...
涉及到的行业也比较多,常见的行业比如:Consulting 咨询行业;Consumer Packaged Goods 包装消费品;Financial Services 金融服务;General Management 综合管理;Healthcare 医疗保健行业;HR/Organizational Management 人力资源/组织管理;Manufacturing 制造业;Marketing & Sales 市场营销;Media & Entertainment 媒体与娱乐行业;Techno...
主要课程:《组织人员配置》Staffing Organization《人力资源管理法律风险防范》Legal Risk Prevention in HR Management《战略领导力》Strategic Leadership《绩效管理与员工激励》Performance Management and Employee Motivation《身份与关系管理》Identity and Relationship Management《企业文化与多样性管理》Corporate Culture and ...
I often thought when I went back to Wharton full-time in my mid 20s, that the easy way, by the way, that in theory the MBA should take place in two phases, one then, and then another 10 or 15 years later.当我在 20 多岁时全职回到沃顿商学院时, 我经常想,顺便说一句,最简单的...
1.清华大学经管学院 2.北大光华管理学院 3.交大安泰经管学院 4.上交高级金融学院 5.中山大学管理学院 ...
and practices, market analysis and market research, consumer behavior and customer loyalty, brand management, and market segmentation. Courses may also delve in-depth into the marketing lifecycle, social media platforms, pricing strategies, personal selling, customer analytics, and managerial decision-...
The list of top media & broadcasting companies in 2024 includes Comcast, Walt Disney, Charter Communications, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video etc. The leading media comprise of players which have a strong global presence and have pioneered in mainstream as w
Learn-to-Fly Day, Leadership in Aerospace/Aviation Speaker Series, Shuttle Launch Parties都是其常规活动。2. 区块链和加密俱乐部 Blockchain & Crypto Club这个极具专业化的俱乐部可以帮助学生了解新兴应用、培养社交网络、促进在该领域的就业。俱乐部的常规活动 101 Educational Seri...