功能战略 functional strategy 与所从事的价值活动有关的战略 经营战略 business strategy 应付竞争的策略 公司战略 corporate strategy 应该进入什么业务领域 1957年, H. I. Ansoff 发明了 Ansoff Matrix,用以对商业拓展进行清晰的分类。 Michael Porter 在创立了行业结构的5种力量理论 Five Forces Theory of Industry ...
... 金融 共504,181份 证券投资 国际金融 投资融资 招标投标 理财 银行 保险 ... 行业 共1,599,796份 房地产建筑 制造业 健康医疗 IT互联网 石油化工 能源环保 批发零售 ... 综合 共5,646,076份 PPT 公司机构 研究报告 职业规划 知名人物 励志成功 商务技能 ...热荐文档中国...
Another option is to consider different programs that are in the same city or geographic region. This can be an effective strategy if one person in the couple is a less competitive candidate than the other, or if another school in a nearby location is a better fit for their career interests...
Today he is the executive chair at Premium Vegetable Oils, where he makes strategy and investment decisions on behalf of the business. He says the MBA program at Columbia Business School taught him how to analyze and improve companies and helped him find his true calling: reviving troubled ...
The MBA curriculum generally consists of a combination of core and optional courses covering several business disciplines such as finance, marketing, operations, human resources, and strategy. Projects, internships, and case studies are also included in the curriculum to provide students with hands-on...
Marketing: Traditional marketing courses focus on product strategy, economic price theory and pricing, consumer behavior, placement, promotion and communication strategies. In recent years, these courses focus more on digital marketing and the use of big data. Leadership and Management: Expect to take...
Additionally, specializations also depend on a school's specialist knowledge. There are business schools that offer specializations in digitalization or governance andsustainability. There are also schools with a tight focus on fintech and cryptocurrencies, as well as those that focus on healthcare and...
MBA programs include classes about various business functions ranging from operations to strategy, and theMBA curriculumprovides an overview of how all the pieces of a company fit together. Though MBA students may elect toconcentrate onan academic discipline, students who choose this route ...
Graduates with an undergraduate in liberal arts or engineering can benefit from an MBA. Students commonly focus on the functions of an organization, such as marketing, strategy, operations, accounting, finance, and management. However, business programs are costly, and students often rely on loans ...
中国经济管理大学 MBA课件 《供应链管理》学员问题探讨与案例分析 (苏尼尔•乔普拉著教材)CHAPTER ONE Discussion Questions 1Consider the purchase of a can of soda at a convenience store. Describe the various stages in the supply chain and the different flows involved.When a customer purchases a ...