MBA 英语名词解释 商务英语名词解释整理 第一章:Accounting can be defined as the collection and processing (analysis, measurement , and recording) of financial data about an organization and the reporting of that information.研究、收集、整理、回报机构财务信息过程的学科。Financial accounting is concerned ...
收集数据(Collect information) 分析数据(Analyze the information)统计员进行回归分析(Regression Analysis)、判别分析(Discriminant Analysis)、因子分子(Factor Analysis)、聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)等等。其理念是使用数据来发现模式并分离出清晰的信息。 总结(Make a conclusion) 2.5 为营销调研收集原始数据 定性分析:我...
效率前缘曲线 efficient frontier 下的一部分是指可以实现,可行的投资组合,而曲线以上部分的投资回报,理论上讲无法实现。 资本资产定价模型 capital asset pricing model , CAPM 是指通盘考虑某种资产的非系统性风险和系统风险后,确定期望达到的投资回报率 证券市场线 securities market line SML 有效市场假说 effecient ...
“Quantitative Analysis for Decision Makers” by J. Hammond Microeconomics Economic theory is related to supply, demand, markets, pricing, and competition at the micro level. “MBA Microeconomics” by Dominick Salvatore Business Communication Professional communication principles, including written, verbal,...
1. Segmenting a market gives focus to company as it helps to understand the market better 2. Unnecessary costs are avoided as only the required population can be tapped 3. Segmentation can help companies identify newer markets where existing products can be launched ...
Once you've decided on an area of focus,whether or notan MBA program offers the concentration you're interested in is a key factor in finding your best-fit program. Our free guide,Finding Your Best Fit Full-Time MBA Program,gives you the expert tips and guidance you need to confidently ...
SPACE Analysis The SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation) analysis was developed bystrategyacademics Alan Rowe, Richard Mason, Karl Dickel, Richard Mann, and Robert Mockler. The particular focus of this framework isstrategyformation as it relates to the competitive position of an organization...
Exploratory Focus Group Exponential Smoothing Extended Enterprise Extended Marketing Mix Extended Producer Responsibility External Attribution External Capital External Deliverable External Environment External Environment Analysis External Corporate Governance External Stakeholders Ex-works PricingF...
Marketing programs may provide students with specific skills and knowledge associated with the identification of target audiences, the creation of pricing strategies, the development of services and products and the implementation of advertising methods to reach the appropriate consumers. ...
Marketing Strategy of Amazon analyses the brand with the marketing mix framework which covers the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Amazon Marketing Mix & Strategy covers its product, pricing, advertising & distribution strategies. It also consists