Mayo Clinic consensus recommen- dations for the depth of excision in primary cutaneous melanoma. Mayo Clin Proc 2011;86:522-8.Grotz TE, Markovic SN, Erickson LA, Harmsen WS, Huebner M, Farley DR, et al. Mayo Clinic consensus recommendations for the depth of excision in primary cutaneous ...
January 26, 2023 –IHC Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina (IHC RSPP) and Mayo Clinic announced that RSPP in Jakarta has joined the Mayo Clinic Care Network. RSPP is the first member from Indonesia in the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a group of carefully vetted health care organizations with special ...
P., Iung, B., Otto, C. M., Pellikka, P. A., & Quiñones, M. (2009). Echocardiographic Assessment of Valve Stenosis: EAE/ASE Recommendations for Clinical Practice. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 22(1), 1-23.