mayday是什么意..来自:吃瓜群众2020-03-28 22:44:47一艘即将沉没的船上,绝望的船员拿起无线电话筒大声求救“We are sinking! We are sinking! We are sinking!
Mayday是语音求救信号,广泛应用于航空、航海领域。使用方法是连续呼喊三声,“Mayday!Mayday!Mayday!”。其对应的莫尔斯电码求救信号就是“SOS”。 这一标准被官方确认于1920年代。当时英法两国的无线电通讯最为频繁。为应对航海时出现突发灾难性事件时及时救援,两国需要选取一个双方都准确识别、并且平时不是特别常用的...
某船长:May day!May day!We are sinking. I repeat,WE ARE SINKING!(救命,我的船要沉了)德...
For example, if a ship is sinking, the crew would send out a Mayday message like this: "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is the vessel 'Ocean Queen'. We are sinking off the coast of Cape Cod. Our position is 41.93N, 70.01W. We have 20 crew members on board and require immediate assis...
地面:『晓得咯。』飞机坠毁。美国船长:『Mayday! Mayday! We are sinking!』德国海岸警卫队:『So ....
This is an urgent distress call from a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean. We are in desperate need of assistance as our vessel is taking on water rapidly and we fear for our lives. The situation is dire as the storm rages on, causing chaos and panic among the crew and ...
Byline: Lindsey Willhite Daily Herald Sports WriterWillhite, Lindsey
Our ship is sinking and we need immediate assistance. We are located at coordinates 45.6789° N, 123.4567° W. Please send help as soon as possible. We are experiencing engine failure and are unable to navigate our way out of this storm. The waves are crashing over the deck and we fear...
Despite exceptional advances in ensuring the health and well-being of in care, zoos of the twenty-first century are ill-prepared and overwhelmed by the sheer number of species requiring conservation support. Furthermore, small population management paradigms have failed to achieve the demographic and...
At 1:50 a.m., just 30 minutes after its first Mayday call, the Estonia vanished, sinking upside down into the sea. 在凌晨1:50,就在它第一次发生求救信号30分钟后,Estonia号消失了,翻了个身沉入大海。 There's this waiting hand from a human experimenter, and Mayday quickly figures out, app...