When I witness the loss of life, I grieve. I lament the death of George Floyd. I lament the death of those who’ve gone before him. I lament injustice and the death of the innocent. I am dismayed by the riots and resulting unrest. I find myself humbly but deeply craving what our ...
Since the Intramuralist’s invitation to speak at commencement has yet to arrive, allow me to humbly submit the following: what I would say to the class of 2014… Dear Graduates, Congratulations! Way to go! Each of you has earned this moment in time. Graduation is one accomplishment that ...
Scripture: "And Thou saidst, I will surely do thee good"(Genesis 32:12). This is the sure way of prevailing with the LORD in prayer. We may humbly remind Him of what He has said. Our faithful God will never run back from His word, nor will He leave it unfulfilled; yet He loves...
“Hinn I know has a high respect for Prime Minister Patrick Manning as the head of the country and I know that he meant no disrespect or offence and if Manning should take offence I know that Hinn would humbly apologise,” Cuffie said. He said Hinn was using the example of the woman t...
我们听到哈姆雷特说 “我谦卑地感谢你” The gram tells us suddenly, the parable is used for by the people to indicate presents with the absence question, because they may say this Italy other, even expresses the completely opposite meaning.We hear Hamlet to say “I thank you humbly”[...
It may not surprise you, then, that they ask here, in similar fashion, what kind of people we must be and become if we are going to move from being an insular church to a more outward focused one, to being a congregation with limited witness activity, to becoming a true inclusive comm...
I humbly request to invite Vishal Mangalwadi on Man Rampant, if possible. I read his book The Book That Made Your World and here is a description on Amazon about it. “Indian philosopher Vishal Mangalwadi reveals the personal motivation that fueled his own study of the Bible and systematicall...
But she was one of that meek sisterhood who, thinking humbly of themselves, believe they are honored by being spent in the service of less conscientious souls, whose careless thanks seem quitereward enough. To and fro she went, silent and diligent, giving the grace of willingness to every ...
That we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask your pardon and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation, not only for our own personal offenses, but also for the sins of those who, straying ...
She knew even at the Visitation what was coming when She humbly said yes as God’s handmaid; She just didn’t know how it would all play out. So, the answer is, No! She did not leave. Our Blessed Mother stayed. She followed. She remained at the foot of the Cross. She knew, ...