2. (frm) (= respectfully) [ask]→ humildemente; [suggest, propose]→ humildemente, modestamenteto humbly apologise for sth→ disculparse humildemente por algoI most humbly beg your pardon/thank you→ le pido perdón/le doy las gracias con toda humildad 3. (= modestly)→ humildementehumbly...
I was honored to attend a repeat client’s planned cesarean. I use the term “planned” loosely since her darling boy decided to come early. Just to keep us on our toes! Come to think of it…her last “planned cesarean” also had me rushing to the hospital. Her babies don’t like ...
And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God by walking in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, / and to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD that I am giving...
To an y that wi ll r ead HEN I first un dertook th is Poem , or, as som e very s kilful in this kind have pleased to term it , this Hercul ean labour, I was by som e Vi rtuous friends persuaded, that I sh ould receive m uch com fort an d encouragem en ...
(the term never explored.Arijka Afbar inThe Guardianwhile praising Scott, agreed with my surace feeling: no single actor “can penetrate” so much and as deeply as is needed. She too used the word gimmick but did not try, as I just have, to explainn why the loss does not matter to...
For all the other shy boys I grew up with. Yep, we all wanted to ask her to dance … but we just couldn’t! Continue reading→ Posted inMusic|Taggedapple,boy,cherry,courage,coy,cream,dance,fear,girl,love,peaches,pie,shy,snow|Comments Offon Peaches and Cream ...