Although it may have sprung up out of a grassroots movement in the early 2000s, the official creator of Star Wars Day is none other than the creator and author of the original franchise, filmmaker George Lucas.[4] When was the first Star Wars Day? The first organized Star Wars Day was...
意思是:愿第四位与你同在(或者说:愿老四永远在这儿)。这是阿森纳球迷的自嘲,与“May the force ...
you know that the space saga created byGeorge Lucasis celebrated every year in the month of May. To markMay The 4th, World Star Wars Day, which takes place on May 4, 2024 (hencethepun), various events, activities and other experiences are offered to families around the ...
Peterson, Gary
5月4日 | Star Wars Day 星际大战日 点击上方“凤凰美洲”关注我们 星际大战日 「星际大战日」是一个于5月4日举办的非官方纪念日,庆祝由乔治·卢卡斯所创作的电影系列《星际大战》。庆祝该纪念日的人们透过媒体等管道来传递庆祝气氛。该纪念日选于5月4日举行的原因来自于《星际大战》电影中的一句经典台词「愿...
英语百科 | Star Wars Day May 4 is celebrated as Star Wars Day by fans of the popular sci-fi film series, Star Wars. It is one of the two days in a year that recognizes the place of the Star Wars franchise in popular culture.
May 4 (May the Fourth) is celebrated as Star Wars Day, originating as a clever pun for the franchise's iconic phrase "May the force be with you." Fans and droids alike can celebrate with all things Star Wars -- movies, television shows, documentaries and more -- streaming on Disney+...
For starters, do yourself a favor and go to Google and type in “May the 4th.” “May the Fourth be with you” is a pun that comes from a famous line in the Star Wars franchise, “May the force be with you.” Star Wars is celebrating the day with thisvideo. ...
animation studios will be involved this time around. Alongside details of which creatives will bring to life these stories from across the widerStar Warsgalaxy,Star Wars: Visionsseason has also been given the perfect release date and is now scheduled to land on the streaming platform on May 4,...
While I prefer the new game over the old one, there’s no denying that Complete Saga—with its older, chunkier Lego pieces—is a very nostalgic game that mostly holds up thanks to simple but fun gameplay and controls. Star Wars: Racer Revenge - PS4 While it’s not the first Star ...