这是因为"宇宙大IP"《星球大战》电影系列中的经典台词“May the Force Be with You”(愿原力与你同在)和5月4日的英文“May the Fourth Be with You”发音一样。 1979年5月4日,执政党为了祝贺玛格丽特·撒切尔当选第一位英国女首相时,在《伦敦晚报》上刊登了如下的报道: 此后,在5月4日这一天,在世界的每个...
Sun May 4th, 2025 Star Wars Day May the Fourth be with you. Fans of George Lucas’ iconic global phenomenon get to geek out extra hard on this pun-centric, nerd-friendly holiday.Quick facts When is it? Every May 4th What's the official website? Official Site It's also known as: ...
在美国,每年的5月4日(May 4th)被星战粉丝定为“星球大战日”(Star Wars Day),以此来庆祝和纪念...
这是电影《星球大战》中的台词,意思是“愿原力与你同在!”原力是电影中的超自然神秘力量,能凝聚整个星系!因为这句话的谐音是,may the fourth be with you(愿五月四日与你同在),所以美国加州就把五月四日定为星球大战日!
By that time, Star Wars had become firmly established in American popular culture. In the summer of ‘78, clever newspaper writers used the phrase as a gimmick to mark Independence Day celebrations on the Fourth of July, it said. Another one of the earliest known references to the day follo...
这是科幻电影《星球大战》Star Wars里的名言,英国保守党曾借用这句名言的谐音May the fourth be with you!祝贺撒切尔夫人于1979年5月4日当选为总统,后来卢卡斯影业把5月4日定为“星球大战日”。今天来和大家聊聊小编喜欢的科幻小说。 科幻小说是一种关于科学未来和科学家未来的小说。著名科幻小说家Isaac Asimov所...
For Star Wars Day 2024, we've rounded up the best limited-edition collaborations, inspired by everything from lightsabers to Sith Lords.
"May the Fourth Be With You ,Maggie. Congratulations!"P.S:撒切尔夫人全名为玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔,小名为麦姬…吧 从此,在每年的5月4日这一天,世界每个角落的忠实星战粉都会喊出“愿原力与你同在”这句话。久而久之,这一天便被官方定为“星球大战日”(Star Wars Day),也形成了重温星战文化的...
Star Wars Day: May the fourth be with youDaily Telegraph
Today is May 4th, commonly referred to as May the Fourth. The day is also better known as ‘Star Wars Day’ to millions of fans because the likeness to the phrase, “May the Force be with you” from the Star Wars films. Evidently, the first reference to May the Fourth comes from 19...