Find a permutation of a given sequence A with N elements, such that it is a max-heap and when converting it to a sorted sequence, the total number of swaps in maxHeapify of line 25 in the pseudo code is maximal possible. 1maxHeapify(A,i)2l=left(i)3r=right(i)4// select the nod...
2231-find-first-palindromic-string-in-the-array 2244-number-of-laser-beams-in-a-bank 2251-number-of-ways-to-divide-a-long-corridor 2255-minimum-swaps-to-group-all-1s-together-ii 2263-maximum-running-time-of-n-computers 2299-merge-nodes-in-between-zeros 2306-create-binary-tree-from-...
While they run into a number of interesting cases that make the series semi-episodic in nature, they soon stumble upon a conspiracy that involves a major corporation and the government which begins to move into the forefront. One of the things I liked about this was that the main story arc...
find-the-longest-substring-containing-vowels-in-even-counts.c find-the-minimum-number-of-fibonacci-numbers-whose-sum-is-k.c find-the-most-competitive-subsequence.c find-the-shortest-superstring.c find-the-smallest-divisor-given-a-threshold.c find-the-town-judge.c find-the-winner...
Maximum number of dots after throwing a dice N times in C - Given the task is to calculate the maximum number of dots that can be expected after throwing a dice N times having M faces.The first face of the dice contains 1 dot, the second face has 2 dots
We study an online model for the maximum k-vertex-coverage problem, in which, given a graph G=(V,E) and an integer k, we seek a subset A⊆V such that |A|=k and the number of edges covered by A is maximized. In our model, at each step i, a new vertex vi is released, an...
Explanation: Swap the number 2 and the number 7. Example 2: Input: 9973 Output: 9973 Explanation: No swap. Note: The given number is in the range [0, 108] 解法:从后向前扫,遇到比max_value 大的就记录这个最大数的值和位置,继续向前扫,遇到小于这个max_value时,就记录这个交换位置, 因为越往...
882distinct16SribosomalRNAsonadesktopcomputerin22hoursand5.8gigabytesofmemory. Conclusions/Significance:FastTree2allowstheinferenceofmaximum-likelihoodphylogeniesforhugealignments. FastTree2isfreelyavailableathttp://www.microbesonline/fasttree. Citation:PriceMN,DehalPS,ArkinAP(2010)FastTree2–ApproximatelyMaximum-...
A solution S is simply a subset of V in which no two vertices are adjacent. The tightness of a vertex v ∈ S, denoted by τ(v), is the number of neighbors of v that belong to S. We say that a vertex is k-tight if it has tightness k. The tightnesses of all vertices can be...
Then, given an integer number k, the objective of kMIS is to select a subset of k elements from E that shares the maximum number of features in common from F. Then, an instance for this optimization problem is defined by the 3-tuple \(I = (E, F, k)\). A feasible solution for ...