Describe the issue In clickhouse it is mentioned, max_threads default value is equal to number of physical cores which is actually by 2 of available number of cpu cores. Reference :
Exception(String const&, int) @ 0x000000002043cf03 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 1. ./build_docker/./src/Common/Exception.cpp:103: DB::Exception::Exception(DB::Exception::MessageMasked&&, int, bool) @ 0x00000000104d9834 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 2. DB::Exception::Exception<char const (&) [20]...
test DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_mv; create table t (a UInt64) Engine = Null; create materialized view t_mv Engine = Null AS select now() as ts, max(a) from t group by ts; insert into t select * from numbers_mt(3000000...
Hello, sorry but how can I configure the max_insert_threads option. From what I have been able to look with this library there is no option to put this option.Collaborator den-crane commented Nov 8, 2021 see #704 (comment) Author Lucgarg commented Nov 10, 2021 Thanks Lucgarg closed...