MaxMinFair满足了除2个最大的需求外的所有需求,而这两个最大需求被分配了相同的4.9。 小结 当想要分配资源而不允许大量资源需求来占用太多小资源需求时,MaxMinFair是一个不错的选择。
max-min-fair 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. The max-min fair standard in traditional wired network is no longer suitable for wireless multi-hop environment. 传统的有线网络中的最大最小公平标准不再适合无线多跳环境。©...
Max-min fairness is said to be achieved by an allocation if and only if the allocation is feasible and an attempt to increase the allocation of any flow necessarily results in the decrease in the allocation of some other flow with an equal or smaller allocation. A max-min fair allocation i...
Max-min fair self-randomized scheduler for input-buffered switches - Tabatabaee, Tassiulas - 2004 () Citation Context ...cial IQ and CIOQ switches. A variant of iSLIP itself is DSRR. Matching algorithms also include randomized ones. A precursory randomized matching algorithm is PIM. Later ones...
修改Lock的公平性 在ReentrantLock类和 ReentrantReadWriteLock类的构造器中,允许一个名为fair的boolean类型参数,它允许你来控制这些类的行为。默认值为 false,这将启用非公平模式。在这个模式中,当有多个线程正在等待一把锁(ReentrantLock或者 ReentrantReadWriteLock),这个锁必须选择它们中间的一个来获得进入临界区,选....
An allocation of ratesxis “max-min fair” if and only if an increase of any rate within the domain of feasible allocations must be at the cost of a decrease of some already smaller rate. Depending on the problem, a max-min fair allocation may or may not exist. However, if it exists...
1.The Emprovment of Max-Min Fair Algorithm in Wireless Network无线网络中最大最小公平算法的改进 2.This article use weighted max-clique algorithm,basing on the existent max-min fair algorithm,and use the value of the node\'s price-value as the weight to regulate the bandwidth.本文在已有的最...
We note here that with max-min fair flow rates, even though every session has a bottleneck link, not every link is a bottleneck for some session. To see this, imagine adding a 10 Mbps link to the network in Figure 7.29, to the right of the 2 Mbps link, through which traffic from ...
Rainbow Fair Queueing (RFQ) (2) the selection of the rates for the rates for each color ci: i color average rate of packets N: total number of colors and multiple of b a,b: determine the block structure P: the maximum flow rate in the network ...