max-min fairness 最大最小公平算法 我们经常面临给一组用户划分稀有资源的问题,他们都享有等价的权利来获取资源,但是其中一些用户实际上只需要比其他用户少的资源.那么我们如何来分配资源呢?一种在实际中广泛使用的分享技术称作“最大最小公平分享”.直观上,公平分享分配给每个用户想要的可以满足的最小需求,然后将没...
Methods based on flow-increase dynamics converge toward an upward max-min fair (UMMF) allocation, in which the value of each traffic demand cannot be increased, along any of its paths, even if larger traffic demands are removed from the network. An efficient iterative algorithm that converges ...
Moreover, the congested router determines the rate-limit amount for each of its upstream neighbor routers based on the max–min fairness algorithm. Next, the receipt routers recursively propagate pushback further upstream. Fig. 8 depicts the mechanism of the PushBack technique. Sign in to ...
网络释义 1. 最大最小公平性 2.2.2最大最小公平性(Max-Min Fairness)30-31 2.2.3 按比例公平性(Proportional Fairness)31-32 2.2.4 潜在延迟最小化(Potentia…|基于5个网页 2. 最大最小公平性准则 最大最小公平,MaxMin... ... ) max-min fairness 最大最小公平性 )Max-min fa...
A popular criterion is max-min fairness that, in short, guarantees that each session i gets a rate ?i such that no session s can increase ?s without causing another session s' to end up with a rate ?s' 展开 关键词: Max-mix fairness distributed algorithm quiescence ...
1)max-min fairness最大最小公平性 1.A utility function based distributed scheduling algorithm and cross-layer control model for max-min fairness was proposed.提出一种基于效用函数的分布式最大最小公平性调度算法及其跨层控制模型,算法针对无线多跳网中端到端的流,通过对偶规划以及拉格朗日松弛算法把问题分解...
最大最小公平性(Max-min Fairness)的学习记录 思考源头: 遇到一道很有意思的题,关于带宽分配的最大最小公平性(Max-min Fairness)原则。如图1所示 解决思路: 众所周知,关于发送方的流量控制,就是滑动窗口机制了,但只知窗口,还是得不到速率。拥塞避免也是在解决窗口的问题,同样得不到速率。查了很多资料了,最后...
It is found that the Fair Queueing algorithm does not achieve maximum anonymity even with unlimited buffer capacity. Consequently, a relaxation of the Fair Queueing algorithm is proposed, where the window of minimum fairness computation is expanded. It is shown that with sufficient relaxation, the ...