class Solution: def findMaxValueOfEquation(self, points: List[List[int]], k: int) -> int: res = float("-Inf") l, r = 0, 1 lenth = len(points) while r < lenth: if points[r][0]<=points[l][0]+k: while r < lenth and points[r][0]<=points[l][0]+k: res = max(res...
pA: the pointer of the Matrix A|b rowMax,colMax:size of matirx pX: solution vector return value: -1 solving equation failed 1 resolve result successfully */intgaussLesung(double*pA,introwMax,intcolMax,double*pX){double*pMatrix = pA;inti;doubleproduct; product =1;if((1+rowMax)!=colMax)...