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max_suspicious_broken_parts 是ClickHouse 中一个与数据表分区管理相关的配置参数。在 ClickHouse 中,数据通常按照分区进行存储和管理,这些分区可能由于各种原因(如硬件故障、系统崩溃等)而变得不可用或“损坏”。max_suspicious_broken_parts 参数定义了系统允许的“可疑损坏分区”的最大数量。 当一个分区因为某些原因(...
`Uin` UInt32, `LogBody` String) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY (Ds, Hour, OssID) ORDER BY Uin TTL Ds + toIntervalDay(7) SETTINGS storage_policy = 'hdd_in_order', index_granularity = 8192, max_parts_in_total = 1000000, old_parts_lifetime = 10, temporary_directories_lifetime =...
NoMethodError (undefined method `ci_max_total_yaml_size_bytes' for #<ApplicationSetting id: 1, default_projects_limit: 100000, signup_enabled: true, gravatar_enabled: true, sign_in_text: nil, created_at: "2019-03-06 09:17:35.206598000 +0000", updated_at: "2023-09-21 14:39:34.489861000...
vdimir deleted the vdimir/max_parts_to_move branch October 10, 2024 17:01 robot-clickhouse-ci-2 added the pr-synced-to-cloud label Oct 10, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Reviewers yariks5s Assignees yariks5s...
chi-clickhouse-replcluster-1-1 position: 0 node_name: queue-0000552224 type: GET_PART create_time: 2022-01-10 13:05:22 required_quorum: 0 source_replica: new_part_name: 20210112_4411_4512_4 parts_to_merge: [] is_detach: 0 is_currently_executing: 0 num_tries: 104421 last_exception:...
Add new class Statistics which represents statistics for a table and contains total_row_count and a serious of ColumnStatistics Statistics is a computable data structure which means it can represent the statistics for a single column of multiple parts in a one ColumnStatistics which is quiet diff...