How to Use the max() Function in MATLAB? In this section, you will find various example programs of using themax()function in MATLAB. 1: Find the Maximum Value in an Array Using MATLAB max() Function In MATLAB, themax() functionis used to determine the highest value from an array. T...
Remarks For complex input A, max returns the complex number with the largest complex modulus (magnitude), computed with max(abs(A)), and ignores the phase angle, angle(A). The max function ignores NaNs. See Also isnan, mean, median, min, sort...
这句话说的的错误是fminunc函数里面用到max函数,max函数的参数只能是数值,不能是符号变量,而你L函数里面用到符号变量m,所以报错,改为如下,function f=L(x)求目标函数L的最小值 fm1=quad(@(m)((1./sqrt(3.92*pi))*exp((-(m-600).^2)/7.73))/0.95,0,x(1));%采用数值积分...
Matlab中max函数在矩阵中求函数大小的结果如下:(1)C = max(A),返回一个数组各不同维中的最大元素。如果A是一个向量,max(A)返回A中的最大元素。如果A是一个矩阵,max(A)将A的每一列作为一个向量,返回一个行向量,向量的第i个元素是矩阵A的第i列上的最大值。如果A是多维数组,max(A)...
MATLAB中的zpk()函数、nyquist()函数用法 一、在MATLAB命令中输入help zpk()会出现这样解释: zpk - Create zero-pole-gain model; convert to zero-pole-gain model This MATLAB function creates a continuous-time zero-pole-gain model with zeros Z, poles P, and gain(... ...
是Matlab的C语言接口风格,函数内部调用OpenCV函数演示功能,简化后的代码:程序命名为 useOpenCV.cpp保存。 #include"mex.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], // 输出参数个数,及输出参数数组
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Why would you try to name it as max? Simply, piecewise function in Symbolic toolbox would help you: syms x f(x)=piecewise(x<0,0,x>=0,x); ıf you want to plot for specific inputs to test the function x=-2:0.1:2;%random input plot(x,f(x)...
We have verified that there is a bug in MATLAB 7.0 (R14) in the way that the Just-In-Time (or JIT) accelerator evaluates the functions passed to the FEVAL function.
MATLAB中的zpk()函数、nyquist()函数用法 一、在MATLAB命令中输入help zpk()会出现这样解释: zpk - Create zero-pole-gain model; convert to zero-pole-gain model This MATLAB function creates a continuous-time zero-pole-gain model with zeros Z, poles P, and gain(... ...
M = max(A,[],vecdim) returns the maximum over the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim. For example, if A is a matrix, then max(A,[],[1 2]) returns the maximum over all elements in A because every element of a matrix is contained in the array slice defined by dimensions 1...