1. 函数代码function [maximumData,maximumIdx] = findPeaks_Own(data,MinPeakHeight,MinPeakDistance,MinPeakProminence) %获得极大值点 maximumP = find(diff(sign(diff(data)))<0)+1; maximumP2 = []; % ---…
번역 댓글:Matt J2014년 3월 10일 Hey, I am looking for maximum optimization of a constrained nonlinear multivariable function. I found some solvers for minimum optimization of constrained nonlinear multivariable function, like fmincon ,fminsearch etc. But I need maximization of the same...
Hello, I'm trying to find the minimum and the maximum of a function using the the fmin and fmax in in Matlab R21012a, but the answer that i receive is fmin and fmax are not found. any explication or solution for this problem???
Find the minimum of an objective function in the presence of bound constraints. The objective function is a simple algebraic function of two variables. Get fun = @(x)1+x(1)/(1+x(2)) - 3*x(1)*x(2) + x(2)*(1+x(1)); Look in the region where has positive values, , and ...
In this example, a logical vector[true, false, true, true, false]is used. Thefind()function locates the indices where the logical condition istrue, resulting in a vector of indices. Output: Example 5: Finding the Indices of Minimum or Maximum Values in a Vector ...
Function plotted over the range from −4 to 4. It has a maximum value of 4 × 106. >> x = -4:0.0011:4; >> y =1./(((x+2.5).^2).*((x-3.5).^2))+1./((x-1).^2); >> plot(x,y) >> ylim([0,10]) Fig. 1.5 shows how the Matlab statement ylim([0,10]) ...
%% 模拟退火算法参数q =0.8; % 冷却系数 T0=100; % 初始温度 Tend=99.999; % 终止温度 %% 定义遗传算法参数 sizepop=10; %个体数目(Numbe of individuals) MAXGEN=100; %最大遗传代数(Maximum number of generations) NVAR=m*cn; %变量的维数 PRECI=10; %变量的二进制位数(Precision of variables) pc=...
I am working on a unit step function, and what I want to do is to find the maximum value of a constant that keeps my function Y value as close as 1.3 as possible. This is the function of the code: functionH = transferH(K) ...
每个函数的第一行要以 function 关键字开始。它给出了函数的名称和参数的顺序。在我们的例子中,mymax 函数有5个输入参数和一个输出参数。注释行语句的功能后提供的帮助文本。这些线条打印,当输入:help mymax MATLAB执行上述语句,返回以下结果:This function calculates the maximum of the five numbers given as ...
如果A是多维数组,max(A) treats the values along the first non-singleton dimension as vectors, returning the maximum value of each vector.(2)[Y,U]=max(A):返回行向量Y和U,Y向量记录A的每列的最大值,U向量记录每列最大值的行号。(3)max(A,[],dim):返回A中有dim指定的维数...