EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 5.5 INDEX To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement where the latest version of a text can be found. For example: Acetone5.1-2875 means the monograph Acetone can be found on page 2875 of Supplement 5.1. Note that where no reference for a supplement...
r.Toxicology帅dAppliedPh删acology.2012. 一33. clinicale如ctsof [9]BehrJ,Maier B,etal.Antio】【id蚰t肌d K,Degenkolb high—dose N—acetylcysteinein舳msing tomaintenance J CritCare therapy immunosuppression.AmRespir Med.1997;156(6):1897—1901. sL.IrI}libitionofrat [10]RockeyDc,MallerJJ,J...