建立BlazorWebView控件铺满屏幕,并设置HostPage为Web部分的主页index.html <ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class="MatoProject.MainPage" xmlns:b="clr-namespace:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Maui;ass...
最小化只能通过 Win32 API 处理,你要先获取 Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Windows,然后转换为 Window 句柄。 var nativeWindow = mauiWindow.Handler.PlatformView; IntPtr windowHandle = WinRT.Interop.WindowNative.GetWindowHandle(nativeWindow); PInvoke.User32.ShowWindow(windowHandle, PInvoke.User32....
Call the Protected Web API Best Practices to Call an API Summary Share To build or to buy? Should you DIY or buy your identity management solution?Get the report One of the most common activities a native application does after user authentication is calling an API. Also, if the application...
代码语言:javascript 复制 privatestaticvoidMainWindowCreated(MauiWinUIWindow nativeWindow){constint width=1440;constint height=900;AppWindow appWindow=nativeWindow.GetAppWindow()!;// 扩展标题栏,要自定义标题栏颜色,必须 truenativeWindow.ExtendsContentIntoTitleBar=true;// 这里必须设置为 Overlapped,之后窗口...
Services.AddMauiBlazorWebView() .Services.AddBlazorWebViewDeveloperTools() .Build(); } [JSInvokable] public static async Task CallMeFromJs(JsRequest request) { var result = (string)request + " OK"; return result; } } } Note: MyProject is your assembly name in window.DotNet.invokeMethod...
On my .NET MAUI project (Android) I'm using a WebView to access a webpage, which does ask for location permission. I've already added native location permission to my app, which does ask when I start it. But when the webpage tries to access the location, I always get ...
// 最小化到任务栏public void Minmize(){#if WINDOWSvar mauiWindow = App.Current.Windows.First();var nativeWindow = mauiWindow.Handler.PlatformView;IntPtr windowHandle = WinRT.Interop.WindowNative.GetWindowHandle(nativeWindow);PInvoke.User32.ShowWindow(windowHandle, PInvoke.User32.WindowShowStyle....
For example, if you have an existing React JS app, you could host it in a cross-platform .NET MAUI native app, and build the back-end of the app using C# and .NET.To build a .NET MAUI app with HybridWebView you need:The web content of the app, which consists of static HTML, ...
这个文件夹将是混合开发Web部分的根目录,这个名称不能随便定义,我们看看为什么: 打开Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Maui.targets这个文件: 我们可以看到构建项目时,这个库会将wwwroot文件夹里的内容作为Maui资源(MauiAsset)类型设置标签,编译器则会根据MauiAsset标签将这些内容打包进各个平台的资源文件夹,具...
若在windows平台上运行,原生控件使用 Edge WebView2 呈现器加载页面, 按f12会调用原生的调试工具,在这里看到打印 现在,可能有人会问为什么要使用这样的技术架构?明明可能有更好用的混合开发技术Ionic,React Native,Uni-app。首先不可否认这些技术都有他们的特点与优势,但当你拥有一个成熟的Xamarin框架,你可以轻松迁移...