Call the Protected Web API Best Practices to Call an API Summary Share To build or to buy? Should you DIY or buy your identity management solution?Get the report One of the most common activities a native application does after user authentication is calling an API. Also, if the application...
.NET MAUIunifies Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows APIs into a single APIthat allows a write-once run-anywhere developer experience, while additionally providing deep access to every aspect of each native platform.
Fix Titlebar name API and add templates by@Fodain#25390 [XC] Avoid NativeAOT trim warnings for compiled bindings by@simonrozsivalin#25420 Set title on maui-blazor/-app template window by@Eilonin#25426 [release/9.0.1xx] [Blazor Hybrid] Fire and forgetBlazorWebViewdisposal by default by@Mac...
A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
明明可能有更好用的混合开发技术Ionic,React Native,Uni-app。首先不可否认这些技术都有他们的特点与优势,但当你拥有一个成熟的Xamarin框架,你可以轻松迁移到MAUI,利用EFCore实现数据持久化或者集成Abp框架来配置依赖注入,全局事件,本地化等移动开发常用的功能(将Abp移植进.NET MAUI项目(一):搭建项目 - 林晓lx - ...
.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) is a cross-platform framework for creating native mobile and desktop apps with C# and XAML.
Android API 33 Tizen 7.0 Xcode 14.0.1 (iOS 16) WinUI 1.1.5 Xcode 14.1 was released during our final QA cycle, so we will be adding .NET support in an upcoming service release. For immediate usage of Xcode 14.1 you may access builds from our public build pipeline. Get Started Aquire ....
This article examines how to create a .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) cross-platform Video control that uses a handler to map the cross-platform control API to the native views on Android, iOS, and Mac Catalyst that play videos. This control can play video from three sources: A...
该方法 BluetoothGatt 实例,然后可使用该实例执行 GATT 客户端操作。调用方(Android 应用)是 GATT 客户端。BluetoothGattCallback 用于向客户端传递结果(例如连接状态),以及任何进一步的 GATT 客户端操作。我们再看一下BluetoothGattCallback 的JAVA实现1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526...
AppWindow appWindow=nativeWindow.GetAppWindow()!; MAUI 里面的 Window 类 API 很混乱,大多数是从 UWP 写法继承,然后有很多 API 是 UWP 有的,但是 MAUI 没有。 混乱。 如果自己写了一个页面,要弹出这个窗口页面,那么应该使用Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window,但是自己写的页面是 ContentPage,并不是 Window。