The rgpu package (see below for link) aims to speed up bioinformatics analysis by using the GPU. Thegcbdpackage implements a benchmarking framework for BLAS and GPUs. TheOpenCLpackage provides an interface from R to OpenCL permitting hardware- and vendor neutral interfaces to GPU programming. T...
matrixset.Rproj Updated to roxygen 7.3.2 Jan 4, 2025 README License MIT license matrixset Amatrixsetis a container of matrices (bothmatrixand types fromMatrixpackage), each having the same number of rows and columns and the same dimnames. Moreover, each dimname must uniquely identify element...
install.packages("MatrixEQTL") # 安装R包library("MatrixEQTL") # 加载R包 base.dir = find.package("MatrixEQTL") # 获取该包的路径信息 useModel = modelLINEAR # 三种模型可选(modelANOVA or modelLINEAR or modelLINEAR_CROSS) SNP_file_name = paste(base.dir, "/data/SNP.txt", sep="") # ...
To cite this R package: Citation To cite this R package: Amadeu RR, Garcia AA, Munoz PR, Ferrão LF. AGHmatrix: genetic relationship matrices in R. Bioinformatics. 2023 Jul 1;39(7):btad445. Contact Rodrigo R Amadeu rramadeu at gmail...
install.packages("MatrixEQTL") 示例代码和示例数据 学习一个 R 包,最直接的方式就是运行示例代码和示例数据,Matrix eQTL 也不例外。第一步,加载程序包: 代码语言:javascript 复制 library("MatrixEQTL") 示例数据地址: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ## Locationofthepackagewiththe data files.base.dir=find.package...
1: 程辑包‘VGAM’是用R版本3.6.3 来建造的 2: 程辑包‘DDRTree’是用R版本3.6.3 来建造的 install.packages('installr') Installing package into ‘C:/Users/wlx/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) trying URL '
不是R版本不对,是你命令错了,用这个 if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager",quietly=TRUE))install.packages("BiocManager")BiocManager::install("monocle") >BiocManager::install("monocle")Bioconductor version3.12(BiocManager1.30.10),R4.0.3(2020-10-10)Installingpackage(s)'monocle'also installing the dependenc...
We present an implementation to perform CUR matrix decompositions, in the form of a freely available, open source R-package called rCUR. This package will help users to perform CUR-based analysis on large-scale data, such as those obtained from different high-throughput technologies, in an ...
Install the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology driver from Windows* Install the Intel Rapid Storage Technology software package. The Intel® RST user interface can be used to create the second RAID volume. Download the latest version of Intel Rapid Storage Technology. Run the executable. Create th...
install.packages('corrplot') To download the development version of the package, type the following at the R command line: devtools::install_github('taiyun/corrplot', build_vignettes = TRUE) How to cite To cite corrplot properly, call the R built-in command citation('corrplot') as follows...