Anatomy.a formative part, as the corium beneath a nail. Biology. the intercellular substance of a tissue. ground substance. Petrology.the fine-grained portion of a rock in which coarser crystals or rock fragments are embedded. fine material, as cement, in which lumps of coarser material, as...
1.a substance, situation, or environment in which something has its origin, takes form, or is enclosed 2.(Anatomy)anatomythe thick tissue at the base of a nail from which a fingernail or toenail develops 3.(Biology) the intercellular substance of bone, cartilage, connective tissue, etc ...
3. Anatomy a. The formative cells or tissue of a specialized structure such as a hair, nail, claw, or tooth. b. See ground substance. 4. Geology a. The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded. b. Groundmass. 5. A mold or die. 6. The principal metal in an all...
Learn to write the determinant of a 3x3 matrix. Using a 3x3 determinant formula and the shortcut method, understand how to find the determinant of...
The term matrix, which is widely used in descriptive anatomy, is derived from a Latin word meaning womb or uterus. This derivation implies the two main ideas governing the present use of the term: (1) a substance or medium enclosing other bodies, and (2) a medium in which something is ...
a about failure, different people have different opinions. generally speaking, on one hand, people think "failure is the mother of success". they think we won't understand the profound meaning of success until we go through failure. on the other hand, for some people, failure is frustration...
2015, Annals of Anatomy Citation Excerpt : Between the intimal surfaces, there is a small quantity of fluid, usually rich in hyaluronic acid. In concert, this structure provides a non-adherent surface between tissue elements (Smith, 2011; Smith and Walker, 2011; Siebelt et al., 2014). The...
in the range of 5 to 7 (ref.31), meaning the boronate and borate ester may dominate in aqueous buffer at physiological pH.c, Absorption and normalized emission spectra for Rhobo6 in unbound (5 µM dye in PBS) and bound (5 µM dye in PBS containing 2 M sorbitol) states....
[bitluni] had accidentally mirrored a chip in the schematic, meaning he had to solder one of the SMD chips on upside-down, “dead bug mode”. Fortunately, the rest was seemingly more successful, because with a little 3D-printed case and some fancy programming, the tiny tiles came to life...
If one considersAcceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), here the purpose is to reduce the meaning of pain as a signal that the body is being threatened and to think of the chronic pain signals as background noise that should not be a distraction from more important things in life. ...