matrix [ma´triks](´trices) (L.) 1.theintercellularsubstanceof atissue,asbonematrix,orthetissuefromwhichastructuredevelops,ashairornailmatrix. 2.ametalorplasticbandusedtoprovideproperformto adentalrestoration,suchasamalgamin apreparedcavity. ...
What does high concentration in biology mean? What is the definition of centriole? Give at least 4 examples, and facts/characteristics. Explain and define metabolism. Define NADPH in biology What is matrix in biology? What does carbohydrate mean in science?
matrix (ˈmeɪtrɪks; ˈmæ-) n,plmatrices(ˈmeɪtrɪˌsiːz; ˈmæ-)ormatrixes 1.a substance, situation, or environment in which something has its origin, takes form, or is enclosed 2.(Anatomy)anatomythe thick tissue at the base of a nail from which a fingernai...
Why do we study a matrix? Does it really have any real-life application? I would say yes, matrices are the most important and are a basic part of maths which are used in higher studies and real-life problems. Matrices are one of the most powerful tools in mathematics. The evolution of...
Adjoint of a matrix or adjugate matrix is the transpose of a cofactor matrix. Learn how to find the adjoint of a matrix using various methods along with examples and properties here.
Define matrix band. matrix band synonyms, matrix band pronunciation, matrix band translation, English dictionary definition of matrix band. group of musicians: a jazz band; a gang: a band of thieves; a thin, flat strip of material for binding; a stripe u
Explore the major histocompatibility complex. Learn the definition of MHC in biology and understand its important functions. Discover the various...
In biology, atissueis a group of cells and their extracellular matrix that share the same embryonic origin and perform a similar function. Multiple tissues then form organs. The study of animal tissues is calledhistology, orhistopathologywhen it is concerned with diseases. The study of plant tiss...
(1) Synonym for cell matrix, an insoluble, dynamic gel in the cytoplasm, believed to be involved in cell shape determination and locomotive mechanism, particularly across a solid substrate; cytomatrix (2) Synonym for cytosol, the aqueous portion of the cytoplasm in an intact cell See appropriate...
The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization. Anatomy.a formative part, as the corium beneath a nail. Biology. the intercellular substance of a tissue. ground substance. Petrology.the fine-grained portion of a rock in which coarser crystals or rock fragments are embedded. ...