矩阵链乘(Matrix Chain Multiplication) 输入n个矩阵的维度和一些矩阵链乘表达式,输出乘法的次数。如果乘法无法进行,则输出error。假定A是m*n矩阵,B是n*p矩阵,那么A*B是m*p矩阵,乘法次数为m*n*p。如果A的列数不等于B的行数,则乘法无法进行。 例如,A是50*10的,B是10*20的,C是20*5的,则(A(BC))的乘法...
The Matrix Chain Multiplication Problem is the classic example forDynamic Programming. If there are three matrices: A, B and C. The total number of multiplication for (A*B)*C and A*(B*C) is likely to be different. For example, if the dimensions for three matrices are: 2×3, 3×5,...
Matrix multiplication problem is a typical example of dynamical programming. Suppose you have to evaluate an expression like A*B*C*D*E where A,B,C,D and E arematrices. Since matrix multiplication is associative, the order in which multiplications areperformed is arbitrary. However, the number ...
信号链(Signal Chain)芯片 信号链一个系统中信号从输入到输出的路径。具体来说,信号链是对从信号采集(传感器)、信号处理(放大、缩小、滤波)、模数转换(A/D转换器)、到程序处理(微处理器)这一个信号处理过程的总称。由一个一个模块(芯片)组成一整条“链条”。 简单的说,所谓信号链芯片(就是Sensor+ADC+MCU)...
For example, let A be a 50*10 matrix, B a 10*20 matrix and C a 20*5 matrix. There are two different strategies to compute A*B*C, namely (A*B)*C and A*(B*C). The first one takes 15000 elementary multiplications, but the second one only 3500. ...
Matrix-chainmultiplication Matrix-chainmultiplication 问题描述 Input:{p0, p1 ,... , p n}. a chain {A1, A2,..., A n} of n matrices for i = 1, 2,...,n , matrix A i has dimension p i-1 * p i.值得注意的该问题的输⼊定义及其巧妙,不仅定义了矩阵的⾏以及列,还说明了它们是...
【UVA 442】Matrix Chain Multiplication 题解(栈) 假设您必须计算一个表达式,如ABCDE,其中A、B、C、D和E是矩阵。 由于矩阵乘法是关联的,所以执行乘法的顺序是任意的。 然而,所需的初等乘法的数量很大程度上取决于求值顺序 您可以选择。 例如,设A为5010矩阵,B为1020矩阵,C为205矩阵。有两个 计算ABC的不同...
[题目链接] 思路 核心问题是正确处理多个括号内矩阵的运算顺序,使用stack将矩阵存入,每当遇见字符 ' ) ' 时对栈顶的两个元素进行操作,便可以正确处理顺序。另使用结构...
Hi @willow-ahrens @kylebd99, I wanted to discuss a bit Matrix Chain Multiplication Python example that I'm working on. The Python implementation relies on lazy indexing, as tensordot is slow for other examples, like SDDMM. Here's Python ...
网络释义 1. 矩阵链相乘 www.nexoncn.com|基于2个网页 2. 矩阵相乘 ...ecutive Sum) 、最大子矩阵、最大矩形、矩阵相乘(Matrix-Chain Multiplication) 、拿石头、旅行推销员问题 (Traveling Sales… web.fg.tp.edu.tw|基于 1 个网页 3. 或矩阵连乘问题 ...