Bio-protocol 相似文献Erianin, a promising agent in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme triggers apoptosis in U373 and A172 glioblastoma cells transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), annexin V staining assay protocol for apoptosis, wound healing assay, and Matrigel invasion chamber, .....
Matrigel, a mouse tumor extracellular matrix protein mixture, is an indispensable component of most organoid tissue culture. However, it has limited the utility of organoids for drug development and regenerative medicine due to its tumor-derived origin,
4.2. Migration Assay Migration of ADSC was analyzed using scratch wound healing assay [102]. Briefly, cells were plated in the 8 cm2 culture dish and cultured until they reached 90% of confluency. Next, the cells were scratched from the plate using plastic automatic pipette tip to create ...