On this webpage, we describe operations on complex number matrices where the matrices are represented as arrays of complex numbers in text format (i.e. the format used by Excel). Worksheet Functions Real Statistics Functions: The Real Statistics Resource Pack supplies the following array functions...
Our new correlation matrix Download excel spreadsheet example The example has a dependancy on on Matrix functions library which is attached within the zip file. Other quantobjects libraries and their documentation are availablehere - Quant Libraries. For comments and feedback, feel free to write to...
Data were assembled and processed by Spotfire (Spotfire Analyst 7.11.0 LTS, ©2007 2017 TIBCO Software Inc., Build date: 5/29/2018) and Microsoft Excel 2016 32 bit. Python (3.6) using NumPy (1.18.4), Pandas (1.0.3) and SciPy (1.2.3.) were used for calculations, plots were vi...
All analyses were carried out using Microsoft Office Excel (v16.30). Each study was repeated three times independently. The experimental outcomes between independent experiments were in all cases comparable. Statistical significance was analyzed by a two-tailed unpaired Student’sttest.Pvalues < 0....
The PKSolver program, an add-in macro for Microsoft Excel®, was employed for the calculation of the different pharmacokinetic parameters. 3.4.9. Statistical Analysis Analysis of variance (ANOVA) (confidence limit of p < 0.05) was used to investigate the statistical significance of drug loading ...
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