Complex Matrices in Excel Format On this webpage, we describe operations on complex number matrices where the matrices are represented as arrays of complex numbers in text format (i.e. the format used by Excel). Worksheet Functions Real Statistics Functions: The Real Statistics Resource Pack ...
Converting to CSV Format Cell Ranger ATAC represents the feature-barcode matrices usingsparseformats (only the nonzero entries are stored) in order to cut down on file size. However, certain programs (e.g. Excel) only supportdenseformats (where every row-column entry is explicitly stored, even...
1). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Full size image Format defines function The objective of screening in final format is identification of suitable binder–format combinations, incl. those whose functionalities exceed those of others. FORCE-generated binder–format matrices can ...
Type of data Table, Excel-file How data was acquired The information concerning the property income was retrieved from the Account Allocation of Primary Income from the National Bureau of Statistics of Spain. The information of the financial assets/liabilities statistics of the Flow of Funds (FoF)...
All analyses were carried out using Microsoft Office Excel (v16.30). Each study was repeated three times independently. The experimental outcomes between independent experiments were in all cases comparable. Statistical significance was analyzed by a two-tailed unpaired Student’sttest.Pvalues < 0....
Format Name Enable First Choice Framework Lotus 1-2-3 (DOS & Windows) Lotus 1-2-3 (OS/2) Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (DOS & Windows) Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (OS/2) Lotus 1-2-3 for SmartSuite Lotus Symphony Microsoft Excel Charts Microsoft Excel for Macintosh Microsoft Excel for Windows ...
The PKSolver program, an add-in macro for Microsoft Excel®, was employed for the calculation of the different pharmacokinetic parameters. 3.4.9. Statistical Analysis Analysis of variance (ANOVA) (confidence limit of p < 0.05) was used to investigate the statistical significance of drug loading ...
Multiple curated lists can be provided by listing them next to each other, one per column. Do not skip columns, and do not use different excel sheet tabs. GECO is case sensitive, so make sure capitalization of gene entry text is consistent with the provided Data Matrix. ...