line2, = ax.plot([3,2,1], label="Line 2", linewidth=4)# Create a legend for the first line.first_legend = ax.legend(handles=[line1], loc='upper right')# Add the legend manually to the Create another legend for the second
-- --> # Create a legend for the first line. first_legend = plt.legend(handles=[line1], loc=1) # Add the legend manually to the current Axes. ax = plt.gca().add_artist(first_legend) <!-- --> # Create another legend for the second line. plt.legend(handles=[line2], loc=4...
first_legend = plt.legend(handles=[line1], loc=1) # Add the legend manually to the current Axes. ax = plt.gca().add_artist(first_legend)<!-- --># Create another legend for the second line. plt.legend(handles=[line2], loc=4) 这里面,多个legend要使用ax = plt.gca()...
ax.plot(x, x**3, label='cubic') # ... and some more. ax.set_xlabel('x label') # Add an x-label to the axes. ax.set_ylabel('y label') # Add a y-label to the axes. ax.set_title("Simple Plot") # Add a title to the axes. ax.legend() # Add a legend. 1. 2. 3...
Legend:内部2 Legend 外部 散点图 直方图 图堆叠Stackplot 2个Subplot 3个Subplot 彩色条形图 线性图 参考文献 调用Matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Matplotlib对象层次结构 为了充分利用matplotlib,需要了解它的层次结构: from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator, MultipleLocator, FuncFormatter np.rando... plt.savefig():保存当前图形在磁盘上显示图形 plt.clf():清除当前图形(用于在同一代码中...
(data,bins=30)# 计算频率frequencies=counts/len(data)# 清除之前的图形plt.clf()# 使用频率绘制直方图[:-1],frequencies,width=np.diff(bins),edgecolor='black',align='edge')plt.title('Manually Normalized Histogram -')plt.xlabel('Value')plt.ylabel('Frequency')plt....
Add average line to the second plotpurchases_average=top_10['Purchases'].mean()ax1.axvline(x=purchases_average,color='b',label='Average',linestyle='--',linewidth=1)# Title the figurefig.suptitle('2014 Sales Analysis',fontsize=14,fontweight='bold')# Hide the plot legendsax0.legend()....
Bug summary If I adjust the y-position of a plot title to move it down, and then I add a legend with loc set to best, the legend overlaps with the title. Code for reproduction import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') plt.plot((1,...
plt::named_plot("log(x)", x, z); // Set x-axis to interval [0,1000000] plt::xlim(0, 1000*1000); // Add graph title plt::title("Sample figure"); // Enable legend. plt::legend(); // Save the image (file format is determined by the extension) plt::save("./basic.png")...