matplotlib(单位长度相等):纵横比“相等”时,z轴不等于x-和y-当我为3d图形设置相等的长宽比时,z轴不会更改为“相等”。所以这: fig = pylab.figure() mesFig = fig.gca(projection='3d', adjustable='box') mesFig.axis('equal') mesFig.plot(xC, yC, zC, 'r.') mesFig.plot(xO, yO, zO, '...
Matplotlib 3D 不直接支持 axis equal. stackflow 大法好,解决方案如下, 重点倒数第二行 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3), dpi=120) ax=fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') ax.view_init(elev=0,azim=90) ax.scatter(shape1.T[0], shape1.T[1], shape1.T[2],c='k',marker='.',s=10,l...
可以将它理解为一个单个画板, 一个Axes包含两个Axis(坐标轴)(在3D图中为三个Axis), 每个Axes都有 一个 title(方法: set_title()), 一个x-label(方法: set_xlabel()), 一个y-label(方法: set_ylabel()).注意:一个给出的Axes对象只能包含在一个Figure中。 Axis(坐标轴) 这是一种类似数轴的对象。可...
It seems like both the equal axis z and the original z axis are drawn on top of each other. It doesn't seem to happen in regular 2D plots. jenshnielsen added the topic: mplot3d label Aug 20, 2015 jenshnielsen added this to the next point release milestone Aug 20, 2015 Member taca...
plt.axis('equal') plt.legend(); 上图可见,plt.legend()函数绘制的图例线条与图中的折线无论风格和颜色都保持一致。查阅plt.legend文档字符串可以获得更多相关信息;我们在自定义图表图例一节中也会讨论更高级的图例应用。 额外内容:Matplotlib 的坑 虽然大多数的plt函数都可以直接转换为ax的方法进行调用(例如plt...
startangle=90)#startangle控制饼状图的旋转方向plt.axis('equal')#保证饼状图是正圆,否则会有一点角度偏斜 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-importmatplotlib.pyplot as pltimportnumpy as np labels='Frogs','Hogs','Dogs','Logs'#设置标签colors = ['yellowgreen','gold','lightskyblue','lightcoral...
plt.axis('equal') 1. 3.3、设置图形标签 图形标题与坐标轴标签是最简单的标签,快速设置方法如下: plt.title("A Sine Curve") plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('sin(x)') 1. 2. 3. 在单个坐标轴上显示多条线时,创建图例显示每条线是很有效的方法。Matplotlib 内置了一个简单快速的方法,可以用来创建图例...
ax3.axis('equal')# Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.ax3.title.set_text('饼图')#绘制棉棒图stemx= np.linspace(0.5,2*np.pi,20)y= np.random.randn(20) ax4.stem(x,y, linefmt="-.", markerfmt="o", basefmt='-') ...
19 plt.axis("equal") # 设置横轴和纵轴大小相等,这样饼才是圆的 20 plt.legend() 21 6 特殊柱状图 两条柱状图 1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 2 import matplotlib 3 # 设置中文字体和负号正常显示 4 matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] ...
Ideally, it should be possible to doax[1].axis('equal')to obtain what you are looking for (see However,Axes3Ddoes not (yet) support that: Traceback (most recent call last): Input In [18] in <module...