1. Open example model ex_while_loop_ML.The MATLAB Function Block contains this function: function fcn(func_flag) flag = true; num_iter = 1; while(flag && (num_iter<=100)) func; flag = func_flag; num_iter = num_iter + 1; end ...
Non-scalar Expressions:These refer to the executed statements that generate a non-scalar or a combination of true and false cases. In such situations, the entire expression needs to be true for all cases, to get executed as a true statement in a while loop. For example: Given matrices A ...
3.4.1Thewhileloop Awhileloopablockofstatementsthatisrepeatedindefinitelyaslongassomeconditionissatisfied.Thegeneralformofawhileloopis whileexpression……end Codeblock Matlab4 Example4.1StatisticalAnalysisTheaverage(orarithmeticmean)(mean)Thestandarddeviation(std)1x=N N ∑x i=1 N i Ns= ∑ i=1 x...
1.ctrl+c可以强制终止运算 2.循环结构(loop):能够反复执行一段代码,Matlab中有 while和for两种循环,while适合执行循环次数不确定的循环 ,for循环适合执行循环次数确定的循环。 while循环 3.while循环例题一 %用while循环计算1—100所有整数之和 add_sum=0; n=1; while (n>=1&&n<=100) add_sum=add_sum+n...
for用于循环次数确定的情况下,while多用于循环次数不确定的情况。 for is used when the number ofloopsis determined, while is mostly used when the number of loops is uncertain. 下面举一个例子,使用for语句和while语句分别求1到100的和。 Here's an example that uses the for statement and the while ...
CONTROLSTATEMENTS for语句 •可以嵌套•break语句终止循环•当有一个等效的数组方法来解给定的问题时,应避免用For循环。2013-10-24 4 CONTROLSTATEMENTS for语句 Example1 %mfor1.mforloop……clear;closeall;n=b=0;7fora=1:0.6:5b=a,7b=b+1,endn=1+floor((5-1)/0.6),b2013-10-24 5 CONTRO...
在MATLAB左边的面板点击进入刚刚创建的文件夹,新建一个叫“exp_example”的文件夹,在该文件夹中通过快捷键Ctrl+N新建一个脚本。 开头输入如下三行代码。clear是清除所有变量,clc是清除命令行窗口的代码,sca相当于Screen('CloseAll'),即关闭PTB里所有打开的窗口。
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間) 古いコメントを表示 Taylor2013 年 1 月 29 日 0 リンク 翻訳 MATLAB Online で開く Hello, I am trying to write a while loop and I want it to keep iterating until the answer converges to within 1.e-4 of the previous iteration. Every time I run this code...
Function:executeasequenceofstatementsmorethanonceType:whileloops,forloops4.1thewhileloopsGeneralform:whileexpression commandsend Thecodeinawhileloopisrepeatedanindefinitenumberoftimesuntilsomeuser-specifiedconditionissatisfied.Example4.1---statisticalanalysisex4.4 Spottheflaw!4.2theforloopExecutesablockofstatement...
%Example: calcul the sum s= 1+2+3+...+n with s<=1000 s=0; k=1; whilek<1000 k=2*k s=s+k end Sign in to comment. See Also MATLAB Answers while loop keeps running indefinitely 1 Answer Need helping finding the source of the forever loop in my code ...