1. 解释MATLAB中do-while循环的基本语法 虽然MATLAB本身不直接支持do-while语法,但我们可以通过while循环来模拟do-while的行为。do-while循环的特点是至少执行一次循环体,然后在每次循环结束时检查条件。因此,在MATLAB中,我们可以通过在循环体前设置一个初始为true的条件变量来模拟这一行为。 2. 提供一个MATLAB do-wh...
The code implementing the while loop is in the ex_while_loop_SL_step function in ex_while_loop_SL.c: /* Model step function */ void ex_while_loop_SL_step(void) { int32_T s1_iter; boolean_T loopCond; /* Outputs for Iterator SubSystem: '<Root>/While Iterator Subsystem' incorporates...
Well, why did you say "You are in a while loop" when you didn't even have any while loops at all. All you had were for loops. So why did you say that? Riri 2014년 1월 21일 Nwm I just firgured it out thank you tho 이 질문은 마감되었습니다. 태...
可以用While Iterator模块执行类似C语言的while或do-while循环,它是While子系统内部的控制器模块,在 while loop type设置不同选项时端口输入个数不同,框图如图所示。通过While Iterator模块对话框中的 While loop type可以选择不同的循环类型,如图所示。 (1)do-while 在这个循环模式下,While Iterator模块只有一个输入...
I have a Do While Loop error while doing a statistical calculation, how can I fix this? So I'm trying to do a principle component analysis using the NIPALS algorithim. I have been writing my own version in Matlab, and I got it to run but I'm not sure ...
'break' in 'while' loop 1 个回答 How to simulate a Do-While loop in MATLAB using Stateflow model ? I need to simulate an alarm using do-while loop and it is a pa... 1 个回答 Do while loop in Matlab 4 个回答 整个网站 sub2ind_mex File Exchange convolucion(t,y) File Exchang...
二、if语句、for语句、switch语句、while语句、try-catch语句都以end结尾 在MATLAB中,没有goto和do…loop和do…while语句。而且语句的结尾都是以end结尾的。 >> t=4; >> if(t<5),disp('t is smaller than 5.'),end t is smaller than 5. 当然,if语句也可以有else语句。 >> if(t>5),disp('t ...
即使你先前使用其他高级编程语言,也有充分的理由让你转向 MATLAB+PTB 的学习, MATLAB 提供了丰富的高级函数进行数学运算和绘图操作;对于数组(矩阵)和图像的操作简易至极,而无须像其他高级语言那样过度依赖for、while、do、loop等循环来操作。在开发过程中,可以直接在命令窗口中实时查看数据和检查运算结果,这一点也是其...