%andbothdependentvariablesareonthex-axis. % %Syntax:[ax,hl1,hl2]=plotxx(x1,y1,x2,y2,xlabels,ylabels); % %Inputs:X1,Y1arethedataforthefirstline(black) %X2,Y2arethedataforthesecondline(red) %XLABELSisacellarraycontainingthetwox-labels ...
doublex.m infinite.mat MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hello dear altruist, in need of help here. I need to add a second x-axis to the top of my graph here: I tried from my end and this is the result. The x-axis on top is just normalized scale from 0 to 1 in reverse. Basically...
Matab does not currently offer a second x axis. You can create two duplicate axes and place the x-ticks of the bottom axis on top. Then, scale the second set of x-values to align with the ticks of the first set of x-values. Here's a demo. The order of many of these steps...
%and both dependent variables are on the x-axis. % %Syntax: [ax,hl1,hl2] = plotxx(x1,y1,x2,y2,xlabels,ylabels); % %Inputs: X1,Y1 are the data for the first line (black) % X2,Y2 are the data for the second line (red) % XLABELS is a cell array containing the two x-...
(oldTimes,newTimes)obj.TimeLimits=[NaTNaT];end% Store the new table.obj.SavedData=tbl;endfunctiontbl=get.Data(obj)tbl=obj.SavedData;endendmethods(Access=protected)functionsetup(obj)% Create two axes. The top axes is 3x taller than bottom axes.tcl=getLayout(obj);tcl.GridSize=[41];obj....
横坐标的标度相同,纵坐标有两个,左纵坐标用于x1,y1数据对,右纵坐标用于x2,y2数据对。 双y轴坐标可以用plotyy(x,y1,x,y2)来实现 双x坐标可以用 set(gca,'xaxislocation','bottom','xticklabel',{'0','1','2','3','4'})(假设x轴的标注为1,2,3,4) set(gca,'xaxislocation','top','x...
'linewidth',2) addaxis(x, y3,'-o','linewidth',2) addaxis(x, y4,'--','linewidth',2) addaxislabel(1,'one'); addaxislabel(2,'two'); addaxislabel(3,'three'); addaxislabel(4,'four'); addaxislabel(5,'five'); legend({'y1=x^2','y2=x^3','y3=sin(x)','y4=cos(x)'}...
[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax])函数来调整图轴的范围:axis([0, 6, -1.2, 1.2]);此外,MATLAB也可对图形加上各种注解与处理:xlabel('Input Value'); % x轴注解ylabel('Function Value'); % y轴注解title('Two Trigonometric Functions'); % 图形标题legend('y = sin(x)','y = cos(x)'); % 图形注解...
%例一:同时设置subplot的多幅图像的axis % Create a figure with two subplots.set the axis limits for the subplotsto the same values. x1 = linspace(0,10,100);y1 = sin(x1); ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);plot(ax1,x1,y1) % x2 = linspace(0,5,100);y2 = sin(x2); ...