My code generates simple plot and I would like to add a second x-axis with the same scaling as in the first one. However, I cannot seem to control the locations and text where values are placed, from some reason. I would be happy to get your help. Here i...
axis函数的调用格式为: axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]) axis函数功能丰富,常用的格式还有: axis equal:纵、横坐标轴采用等长刻度。 axis square:产生正方形坐标系(缺省为矩形)。 axis auto:使用缺省设置。 axis off:取消坐标轴。 axis on:显示坐标轴 给坐标加网格线用grid命令来控制grid on/off命令...
(1,C1); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ycolor(2,C2); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ycolor(3,C3); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ycolor(4,C4); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ylabel(1,'First Y-Axis (Y1)'); % Add y-Labels h.ylabel(2,'Second Y-Axis (Y2)'); % Add y-...
a. axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax])设置坐标轴在指定的区间 b. axis auto 将当前绘图区的坐标轴范围设置为MATLAB自动调整的区间 c. axis manual 冻结当前坐标轴范围,以后叠加绘图都在当前坐标轴范围内显示 d. axis tight 采用紧密模式设置当前坐标轴范围,即以用户数据范围为坐标轴范围比例: a. axis equal 等比...
legend(h,'First','Second','Third') %添加图例 title('Bessel Functions') %添加标题 [y,ix]=min(y1); %找到y1的最小值以及改值的下标,赋给y和ix text(x(ix),y,'First Min \rightarrow','HorizontalAlignment','right') %插入文本 1.
% implements y(n) = x1(n) + x2(n) % [y,n] = sigadd(x1,n1,x2,n2) %___ % y = sum sequence over n, which includes n1 and n2 % x1 = first sequence over n1 % x2 = second sequence over n2( n2 can be different from n1) % n = min( min(n1), min(n2) ):max( max...
axis(x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max) % 选择坐标轴的定标尺度 还有两个命令 text(x,y,str)%在图形的x,y点坐标展示str语句gtext(str)%在我们图形的界面用鼠标来确定我们的位置 如果想让我们的坐标有箭头,请加上这两条语句(不用改数据,这样就比较完美~当然如果需要进行进一步的修改,自行help annotation进行查看...
(1,C1); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ycolor(2,C2); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ycolor(3,C3); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ycolor(4,C4); % Modify the y-Axis Color h.ylabel(1,'First Y-Axis (Y1)'); % Add y-Labels h.ylabel(2,'Second Y-Axis (Y2)'); % Add y-...
x=0:.2:12;plot(x,sin(x),x,cos(x),x,tan(x));legend('First','Second','Third');legend('First','Second','Third','Location','NorthEastOutside') 代码语言:javascript 复制 b=bar(rand(10,5),'stacked');colormap(summer);hold on ...
x2 = (0:0.1:1)'; x3 = (0:0.05:1)'; y1 = x1; y2 = x2.^2; y3 = x3.^3; ylabels{1}='First y-label';%y1,y2,y3代表的含义 ylabels{2}='Second y-label'; ylabels{3}='Third y-label'; [ax,hlines] = multiplotyyy({x1,y1},{x2,y2},{x3,y3},ylabels); ...